
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:00:45
During the war hundreds of thousands of children were ____ from cities to rural areas.a.evacuatedb.withdrawnc.retreatedd.exiledA和B在此处有何区别? 作文;香蕉皮引起的风波以小军和小明在下棋 东东从楼下窗口扔进一个香蕉皮 小军活了,东东不服气,小明劝阻 小明帮东东认错 作为题材写一篇500字的作文 连词组句:I,not,to,understand,it,how,easy,is,make,feel,him I should think of new way to make my lessons easy ( )(understand)?I should think of new way to make my lessons easy ( )(understand)?请问括号内填什么?为什么? ( ) 7.The reason he gave for not coming was his mother wouldn't allow him to( ) 7.The reason ______he gave for not coming was ______ his mother wouldn't allow him to.A.for which; that B.which; becauseC.why; that D.which; that The reason--- his coming late was ----his mother was ill.A.for,that B.of,that C.for,why D.why,that 老师布置一篇作文.小明爱乱扔垃圾,但被自己扔的香蕉皮滑倒了.从此再也不扔.六百字.求出主意,怎样写到六百字 用括号中所给代词的适当形式填空My uncle has a daughter.He loves____(she)very much. 一个小孩儿把香蕉扔向小鱼(改为被字句) 怎样知道一种事物符合客观规律 小结为什么不满的看扔香蕉皮的小孩 那不够特别.买件毛衣怎么样?That's not ___ ___.What ___ ___ a sweater? What's _ _of that sweater? 蒙语川吉什么意思? 蒙语“诺恩吉娅”是什么意思? 想给孩子取蒙名,吉雅泰觉得不错,但是不确定具体意思是缘分还是福气.希望懂蒙语的朋友们告诉我到底吉雅泰是什么意思. 长得像苍蝇,黑灰色,嘴前是一根向前伸出的长针.比普通苍蝇大一倍.请问是什么,有照片,有需要的话我会补充.朋友说是种蜜蜂, The girl will have a trip if it is fine.怎么翻译 寓言故事有哪些? 大一大万大吉是什么意思?求解答 大一大万大吉是什么意思? In addition to hurt and pain,will still have a what? 路的尽头是什么? that girl used to be very shy,向shy提问 Jr.怎么发音··音标? 日逢受死日不宜诸吉事 想问问这句话的具体意思请明白人说说! 广东省罗定市有罗定帝这个地方吗?急 英语翻译 英语翻译FOR many,life"s longest mile is the stretch from dependence to independence.--------Carla B.James 罗定市在线交流的哪个比较好的呢?刚来罗定工作,希望能得到指点?罗定在线好不好? 英语翻译INFORMATION INTEGRATIONGiven the number of different statistical surveys and agencies conductingsurveys,“one-stop shopping” for federal statistical data wouldmake statistical data more accessible.Doing so depends on capabilitiesthat a 写中学生生活的小说400字就行是个作文