
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:05:21
翻译 爸爸每天骑摩托车送我上学 英语翻译 小学一年级一周有几节数学课? 我们是私立学校 一周有2节语文课占一周课时的几分之几 英语翻译 开着他的小摩托车带我们出去兜风 的英语怎么说 ‘去兜风’用英语怎么说 根据句意及首字母提示填空 Many people are (k )every year because of drinking a lot.根据句意及首字母提示填空1.Many people are (k )every year because of drinking a lot.2.Many people do not agree to the idea of doing (e ) on a 英语任务型阅读  Eacher year,many chinese people go abroad because of all kinds of reasons答案 滑雪大冒险英文名字是 There are seven books on the desk Two are mine and are all Tom'sanother the other other others the othersand 这里填 are all Tom's 选用合适的词组完成下列句子, 对我们来说,多说英语是很重要的.对我们来说,早早起床是有益的.翻译成英语,用It is...来回答 我今年想考大学英语口语.自己四级569,六级528.要想拿到口语A等证书.要怎么准备啊?准备多长时间?. 我四级572,六级514,可以报考英语口语六级吗? 很想提高英语口语,怎样着手啊?英语勉强过了六级,口语很差,怎么努力提高啊? 英语口语 四级和六级有区别吗刚考完四级 不知道现在就报口语还是等考完六级 如果不一样,考了六级后四级口语岂不没用了 从方框中选择适当的短语,并用其正确形式完成句子make sb.do sth.at the bottom ofask for look farward toafter all be busy doing sth.lok after pay forprefer to do sth.make friends with1.Why not ______________ help from your teacher if 从方框中选择合适的短语,并用适当形式完成下列句子put...through to,take a messsage,introduce...to make sure,entrance to,leave behind,make research on,gibe sb a call1.Remember __________ when you get home.2.__________ the past ____ 从方框中选择合适的短语 并用适当形式完成句子 短语在下面learn aboutall the way of courseleave forfeel excitedlook upspend...doing somethingbe bad forbe interested in a waste of time1 my uncle—— an hour——every day2 we w 急 急 急.本人新手,以前一直骑的踏板摩托,现在刚考了跨骑的驾照,想换下跨骑的玩下,但是之看中了CB400和小黄蜂250 ,纠结啊,不知道哪种新手入收快些. lots of people_____(die)in the flood last year die of hunger还是die from hunger 从方框中选择正确的词组补全句子take a bath, wake up, take offlooks like, is/are good for1. Marry is pretty, She ________ her mother.2. It's hot today. Please______ your sweater.3. Eating more fruits ____ our health.4. 从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式完成下列句子,使句子完整、通顺.control from,a television studio,fall forward,ahead of,on the stage,win a big prize,powder one's face,get ready1.My father works for the government and 从方框中选择适当单词或词组完成句子in front,across from,on,between,next 1.The libary is _____ First Avenue.2.The park is _______ of the school.3.The bank is _______ the post office.4.Our school _______ to the bank.5.The hotel is _____ 八年级只要数学拓展题目买什么书好?推荐一下 我是一名初中生想做一些数学拓展题有没有好的书推荐一下我是一名初一学生想做一些数学拓展题,有没有好的书推荐一下?我想冲击名校,基础还可以,希望书内容能比较有层次,题型新颖,难度 反思书,第一次数学月考的反思初中第一次月考 数学班里平均分是89 我考了95 ,我这个学校是全区第二 老师让全班反思小学考优B 中学成绩却下降 ,反思 800字 内容先是开头,然后回顾小学生活 阿拉伯数字的西班牙语翻译 阿拉伯数字25用英语怎么拼