
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:00:01
海洋中出现了多少种生物. 分析一下这个句子的句子成分Whom we must study for is a question of great importance. 如何用智能ABC输入法打特殊符号 阿凡达英语台词必须是英语的、不少于30句、、要真实,别忽悠俺哈、 阿凡达的英文剧本英文对白,不是字幕文件 The blue bag is hers.划线提问 划hers My bag is (blue).(对划线部分题目) My bag is on the chair.(对划线部分提问) 对划线部分提问The blue pen is Toms.(Toms为划线部分) that is an english bus.(改写复数句子) that is an orage bus 改为复数形式 那些男孩中最聪明的.翻译 他是多么聪明的一个男孩啊!翻译: 翻译:那个男孩很聪明,但是很懒. 英语翻译what和how的两种感叹句. 两个字中间的点怎么打啊?用智能ABC 用智能ABC打"怎么"两个字?以前我打"ZM"就出来"怎么",现输入"ZM"出来的却是"周面"怎么回事?我知道zenme可以打出来呀.但是我以前只需要输入"ZM" 如何用智能abc打这两个字打”李袄”时打”liao”结果出现”了”这个字怎么打能连续打出”李袄”来呢? 智能ABC拼打什么两个字却出萨摩,如何恢复?智能ABC拼SM 应该是什么,却出来个萨摩,如何恢复? 有关阿凡达台词的翻译Sooner or later though,you always have to wake up.什么意思. Once shahaylu is made, ikran will fly with only one Hunter in the whole life.什么意思. First flight seals the bond. You cannot wait.什 同义句转换,对括号部分提问,完成句子.Harry and Lucy are the same age.(同义句转换)Harry is ___________ Lucy..This kind of comper costs (9,900) yuan.________________this kind of computer ________?完成句子我哥哥比我大三 同义句转换.每空一词.1.I think chicken tastes better than fish.I think fish tastes ______ than chicken.2.Nick jumped the highest among all the boys in his group.Nick jumped ______ than ______ ______ ______ in his group.3.Jim writes the most c 三角形的三个外角中,最多有几个锐角? 在三角形的三个外角中,锐角最多的只有几个,为什么? There at the door stood a girl about the same height_____A as me B as mine C with mine D with me 麻烦分析一下这个句子,there在那里做什么成分. There stand a girl about the same height ____wiht mineas mineas mewith me There stood a girl about the same height as me/mine?Me or mine? John opend the door.There _he had never seen before.A.a girl did stand B.a girl stood C.did a girlstand D.stood a girlD.stood a girl The question being discussed is very importantbeing是存在的意思吧,可是翻译在里面就不对了 The proposal being discussed at the meeting now is of great importance to our department. The matter being discussed is of importanceof importance可以这么用吗?为什么?那种是说这个句子可以改为The matter being discussed is important. 丨灬 这个符号怎么打出来?(用智能ABC输入法打)