
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 10:53:32
I can't sing( ) dance,but I can swim( )skate.A and ,and B or,and C and,or D or,or 句型转换 I can swim well (用skate改为选择疑问句) ( )you swim ( ) skate well? i can ___swim ____skatea either .or d neither...nor哪个 【填空】I an u___ to swim,but I can skate... What season is it in New Zealand when China is in summer? What season is it in China when the sourthern part of the earth has most direct rays from the sun?The same area on Earth has _______ direct rays from the sun in winter than in summerA.more B.little C.less D fewer what season is it in the picture 的意思不懂 Everyone in our family wants to listen to my grandfather tell stories ,but not all h( ) it根据首字母完成句子 元史. 元史列传十四(伯颜)伯颜,蒙古八邻部人,长于西域.至元初,旭烈兀遣入奏事,世祖见其貌伟,听其言厉,曰:“非诸侯王臣也,其留事朕.”与谋国事,恒出廷臣右,世祖益贤之,敕以中书右丞相安童 在3 X 4CM的长方形纸上,剪棱长1CM的正方体的展开图形,怎样剪最省纸,为什么,请画图 koalas应选jump,fly,walk,swim,climb,run中应选什么 1.写同类的词what()()2.加ing,walk()skate()run()jump()3.反义词come()small()3.l often v()g() on theWeekend(2)what,s(,在上方)your favourite season?spring.because f() k(). 她会说英语吗 英文怎么说 You've never seen such a beautiful picture before, have you?翻译 You've never seen such a beautiful place before,have you?这句话是什么句型? in+一个单词+of 构成的短语,限高考词汇,越全越好 再接再厉终会成功这句名人名言用英语怎么说 经过一个月的努力终于升级了,要再接再厉.用英语怎么说? 1.____Newton started to do experiments,he forgot about the time.(A)Since (B) Once2.We believe in him,so we'd never ____ his honesty.(A) demand (B) question并请说明理由,谢谢 You have to crawl before you can walk. 中文是什么意思? i stopped walking because i wanted to have rest 这句话怎么翻译 为什么填walking 英语翻译.. 主语+be+the+形容词最高级+单数名词+in/of短语Tom is the tallest in his class./of all the studentsTom is the tallest in his class./of all the students 这个students不是复数吗?不是不一样了吗 用名词短语改写句子The rice which grous in this area is of special kind. in spite of the fact that后面跟句子还是名词 洛阳哪家综合英语口语比较好? 我想参加个英语口语提高班在北京这种班也挺难找的,我上网也搜了,也问朋友们了,都没有我想要的,就来这里碰碰运气.有同学了解这方面情况的吗?介绍下吧, 暑假了,想报个英语口语班,洛阳那里的比较好啊? “我希望再接再厉,拿到更好的成绩”用英语怎么说? 形容继往开来 再接再厉的诗句有哪些 你继往开来地做着一项伟大的事业,并且将继续持续下去用英语怎么说?