
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 16:01:29
The children can not wait _____(open) the present I can't wait ______(open) the present box. 用适当形式. 怎样用简单方法鉴别稀土的品位? 稀土的化验方法? be careful of the children ____ (cross)the road.这个题是不是出错了?crossing 请您帮我讲解一下 Be careful of children when ____the road A cross B you crossed C you cross D to cross children should avoid _____ hurt when they cross the road being be to be been 选哪个? 改成否定句.We'd like to go to the shopping centre tomorrow. Good night everybodySee you tomorrow everybody 怎么读? Thank u, everybody!中文怎么读 一定要给出理由潘多拉星球距离太阳4.4亿光年,位于宇宙的哪个系?请给出理由,答案一定不要太长 1、遥感与传统地理调查相比,其优越之处是( )多选A 瞬间大面积对地观测B 面对面地了解地表情况,及时发现新问题C 获取暂时不能识别的信息留待以后研究D 及时了解动态变化信息E 大大提 The children can't wait ____ their present in the park.(open) It's d_____ to cross the street at the red traffic light. If you walk in the street you need not to watch the traffic 连词组句.1.am,I,student,new,a 2.What,you,are,nationality 3.Your,is,Mr,blake,teacher4.coat,my,please,umbrella,and,my5.is,my.here,ticket6.is,a,Alice,student,new,French,is,she7.job,your,is,what 《黄河大合唱》是作于那个时期的? 黄河大合唱是谁作的词黄河大合唱的词是谁写的,曲是谁谱的?帮帮忙吧,兄弟姐妹们啊! 黄河大合唱 是谁创作的 "黄河大合唱"是为了__________而创作的. On her birthday ,She couldn't ___to open the box.英语据意填词 黄河大合唱的八个乐章初一语文下学期第六课的题 求《the apprentice》视频文件要第六季的,如果有其于几季的话也帮忙发过来,会额外给100分.最好要清晰一点,有中文字幕的 黄河大合唱的八个乐章是什么? The Apprentice (飞黄腾达)第一季的片头曲叫什么名字?不是For The Love of Money也不是money,里面应该有一句歌词“So you wanna to be the next big thing”. 黄河大合唱共有几个乐章? 《黄河大合唱》分为哪八个乐章1《黄河船夫曲》(混声合唱,原稿为男音) 2《黄河颂》(男高音或男中音独唱) 3《黄河之水天上来》(配乐诗朗诵,三弦伴奏) 4《黄水谣》(女声二部合唱, 求The apprentice(第一季到第五季)英文台词不需要太精确的,一些主要的台词有就可以了.之后会追加100分 看过The Apprentice第一季第一集的半个忙,回答几个问题都是开放性的问题喔,用英语答The ladies won,why?The basic plot?Who was fired,why?What do you think of Donald Trunp's apartment?What do you think of Donald Trump?谢啦、 He usually watches TV in the evening.改为否定句 黄河大合唱的第2部是什么