
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 07:30:11
翻译段句子啊 She feared staying alone in the farmhouse什么意思啊? 你是我的唯一 这句英文是什么.哪个帮下! 媒体的利与弊?) 为什么火星微社区的购物没了? 火星微社区好友怎么全没了 4年橡胶树在海南、买了8000株每株300元贵吗? 请问归元无二路, 做事前要有计划,今日事今日毕,提高做事效率.请大家帮翻译下. 中译英 今日事,今日毕Never ------ today's work for tomorrow. 从事外贸的进何为柜货,何为散货?这两者有什么区别吗? 服装外贸? 【翻译】he was close to leaving a school 英语翻译请确认下面两点底网的颜色用白色缝一个主标,挂一个成分吊牌,把成分标放在一个纸箱发到意大利. 外贸客户相关问题一个客人要我提供是否出货给东欧客户,还要提供出货情况?他要这些干嘛?出货情况指什么 翻译 he was leading a donkey by a rope. 花重锦官城中的重的发音? 一个足字旁两个土是啥字 只要你答应来帮我,我不在乎你明天什么时候到 翻译 用on condition that 英语翻译the condition of society are (such) that skills have to paid for the same way that goods are paid for at a shop而且 括号里 为什么填such 请再帮忙分析一下句子结构 英语翻译有一个巴西人买衣服,等货到巴西后觉得关税太高就拒收了.我现在要跟他谈善后,该怎么说比较好?或者帮我看看这段英文有没有错误.DearI'm so sorry,but it's your country's policy that we're unable 钱字在古代用什么表示 my TV is out of order.Can you tell me what is the___news about lrag War该选A lately B latest C later D latter 用what what a how填空 用what或how填空quickly the fish is swimmingfresh peaches they are 用what 和how填空___fine the weather is!___hard work it is!___delicious the food is! 用what和how或what a 填空______important work she is doing!_______lovely dog it is!______useful the book is!________unusual man he is! E24'E12'E6是意思 劳力士保修卡上的serie是什么意思 put in two teaspoons of honey ,这句该怎么翻译?这是一整句. About Olympic Games in 2008I need to do a presentation about the Olympics in Beijing in 2008The subject is:Now Olympic is well prepared in Beijing.China will hold a good one.Can somebody give me some outline or information in English?Thank you for yo 几无二致什么意思? 介绍一下科教兴国的背景!`