
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:08:02
Jane is new here ,but she has faw friends here有一处错误,改错 A B C Mom,_____ my English teacher A:this is B:she is为什么用this is而不用she is Mom,she is my friend,Linda.-Hello,Linda!这句话错在哪里 You have to do the _________ ( dish ) at home. you have to do __cleaning at home?a)a b)the答案是the 但我不太明白为什么a 不对呢..感激ing the more you go through,the more you will find 看看有没有问题 有的话 如何修改 go through=经历 we will walk you through the skills 海航置业和海航酒店控股是不是海航旗下的全质子公司? 魅力一词的意思 帮我查这些词的意思 帮忙查几个词语的意思.额手称庆沸反盈天飞扬跋扈分道扬镳赋予使命匪夷所思繁文缛节 西游记第二回好词好句 西游记第二回中的好词好句就要第二回的, 1.have 2.go 3.do 4.clean 5.wash A.home B.a headache C.homework D.the dishes E.the blackboard连线快 好的再加悬赏分 Chen jie usually wash the dishes at home.这个句子在语法上有问题吗? 为什么说中国走可持续发展之路是必然选择 英语翻译如花的年纪很快就会过去……我想开始新的生活而该结束过去.其实或许那段过去早已结束.只是我太固执始终都让它活在心底最深处.而今天.我是真的不愿再捆绑自己.我想逝去的早 西游记的好词,50个 no matter what happens,I love you forever NO MATTER AHERE YOU ARE I WILL BE WITH YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU I was,ah,no matter what happens,I will love you,as now,to accompany you forever.这段话意思 有没有象A LOVE THAT WILL NEVER GROW OLD这样的歌?就是这种风格的 推荐几首 A love that will never grow old 是谁唱的 并介绍歌唱者的相关信息 以及她的其他优秀曲目 用 魅 字组词 魅怎么组词 魅字可组什么词语? what ...do you have to do besides doing the dishes.other another else others选哪一个为神马 ___I have to help you do the dishes,mum?A.could B.do C.am D.can Do you have the t____ to the film Are you ____from China,-Are you ____from China-NO,none of us为什么不能写any 任何一个 是Are you from China?还是 Do you from China?那么第三人称呢 whatever happens,I will be on yourwhatever happens,I will be on your side.