
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 13:30:06
地名做主语,从句连接词用什么?shaolin temple 主语从句连接词在从句中能充当什么成分?如What在主语从句中能充当主语等 银行的balance sheet 如图 那个liabilities里的deposit代表什么呀 还有 loans为什么要算在asset里 什么是Balance sheet?他与其他表有什么差别? I do my homework in the morning改成疑问句 不知道用不用do 我只会汉语式英语怎么办,语法看不懂 Do your homework in the morning.(改为否定句) 怎么改?_____ ______ your homework in the morning. My brother ______(do) his homework in the morning . John _________ __________ in the morning.英汉互译约翰要迟到了 资金平衡表(balance sheet)的两边为什么是平衡的 主句,从句 的所有时态搭配比如说是:“在什么什么从句中,主句是什么什么时态时,从句是什么什么时态”这样写,不要太啰嗦~好了追加30分额.........最好是详细一些哦 宾语从句 主句是过去时态 从句要用什么时态 In England,people usually have breakfast at seven o'clock.Lunch is usually at half past twelve. 连词组句and,the,morning,little,mother,past,at,seven,breakfast,have,half,father,about,boy is,in,usually,that balance sheet ,trial balance,unjusted trial balance 和 adjusted trial balance有什么联系和区别 他们之间的顺序呢? there are 4 people ,A ,B,C and D .given that there is a 3-yuan difference in age between A and C,there are 4 people ,A ,B,C and D .given that there is a 3-yuan difference in age between A and C,a 3-yuan difference B and D ,a 2-yuan difference between 1.His parents usually eat breakfast at seven.(对划线部分提问)划线部分:eat breakfast——— ——— his parents usually do at seven?2.I never get up so early.(改为肯定句)I ____ get up so early.3.放学后我先做作业.( 请问在会计学中,balance b/d 与balance c/d 有什么不同之处?希望可以解释的尽量清楚些, 英语会计中trial balance是干什么用的?今天看西方财务会计(或者ACCAF3)做好会计分录后,balance sheet都出来了.可又莫名其妙发生了几笔业务,再做trial balance.我是外资企业的,上次人家来审计,也问 balance c/d及balance b/d是什么 B/S off-balance finance 在会计英语中又是什么意思呢? It is essential that these application forms ___back as early as possible.A.must be sentB.be sent为什么?这是什么句型? It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.A.must be sent B.It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.A.must be sentB.will be sentC.are sentD.be sent这题选啥啊? It is essential that these application forms _____A.must be sentB.will be sentC.are sentD.be sent 1.It was essential that the application forms __________1.It was essential that theapplication forms ____________back before the deadline.A.must besent B.would comeC.be sent D.were sent选B,但为什么不选C?2.If you _____that night,you mighthave b it is essential that all these features be checked twice.这句话对吗?这句话语法对吗?总觉得be checked 很别扭! only in the morning的意思 In the Morning in the morning的中文意思 It's in the morning In the morning I learned in English是什么意思 帮忙翻译下面这段话 翻译成英语金融危机阴霾下,我国的出口贸易规模大幅度萎缩,“出口转内销”被许多企业视为扩大销售增加盈利的一条途径,然而出口转内销并不能完美解决当前所面临