
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 22:24:03
语法分析The Web has connected four hundred million Chinese to the world on a scale difficult to predict a decade agodifficult to predict a decade ago 这句话怎么去理解它的结构成分? 几个半时.句式结构 我对他说的话感到很生气用英语怎么说 英文课文转成中文! There is a shopping centre _____River Road 新东方英语六级乱序版单词谁有新东方英语六级乱序版单词,只要词汇文档,不需要mp3,词汇要带汉语解释的,我的版本都是不带汉语只有单词,麻烦发到我邮箱吧 aiyaya0705@sohu.com 求2009或2010新东方英语6级词汇(词根+联想)乱序版 mp3我的盘读不出来了, 我想找一位英语国家的朋友在线练口语,谁知道在哪找?我身边没有可以练习的朋友,现在我非常想说,可是不敢说,想找位朋友练习一下! 有谁知道南京有什么老外常上的BBS啊?想找老外练口语 我想练口语发音,他们那怎么样,费用是多少 People in Africa usually dance __ the notes they make on the oil cans.怎么答案是to啊 wake up的意思是什么? oh baby baby tell me why It was the way he did it rather than ( )he said ( )surprised every one of usA.what ,what B.who,what C.which ,that D.what,that The students aren"t in the classroom ,they____(play)ganes on the playground 恐龙的演变过程快 the chemist was surprised that his son did not like the way he had doneAthatBwhichChowDon which 太阳系周围几十光年是否可能有未发现的黑洞?太阳系周围几十光年内是否可能有黑洞未被发现? 船有多少年历史? My classroom is ______to the library?填什么? 8.The library is ___________ than the classroom.(quietly) Our classroom building is _____ of the library.A. Next. B.in front. C. between. D.under 瑾可以起啥英文名字王瑾可以取什么英文名呐? i was very surprised at the way ()he spoke at the meetingA whichB by whichC whereD 不填 瑾然怎么设计英文名 名字“璐瑾”——帮忙起个英文名起个男子的英文名,请别敷衍我,用些常用的. 与若瑾同音的英文名 选词填空:(坚信 坚强 坚定 坚固 坚持) 1.靠着地道这中( )的堡垒,( )了敌后战争. 选词填空:态度、战士 坚强的()坚决的() me lily i helped was because not late school for 连词成句 发掘( )在括号里填上适当的词语. 想给孩子找个练口语的地方,孩子英语有点基础,就是口语不太好?