
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 20:42:56
小明读一本书,上午读一部分,这时已读页数是未读页数的九分之一,下午比上午多读7页,这时已读页数与未读小明读一本书,上午读一部分,这时已读页数是未读页数的九分之一,下午比上午 一本书,已读的页数是未读页数的四分之一,又读12页,这时已读的页数是未读页数的三分之一,这本书共有多少页? 冰心名言要全一些,帮我使用要短 英语翻译Many teenagers have hobbies.But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork,and parents might worry about their child's success at school.Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they (十万火急!)should teenagers be allowed to make their own decisions我是初三的,我们班几天后要开辩论会!辩题是should teenagers be allowed to make their own decisions,我是反方!麻烦给一些辩论词,中等难度! I think I should be allowed to make decisions _________ myself.A.with B.to C.for D.against should i be allowed to make my own decisions中的动词短语有什么?紧急,今晚就用越多越好,老师要找20个 Should I be allowed to make my own decisions 中的重点 用所给词的适当形式填空 How ( )(sleep) you are( )(be)cool is being popular Are you _(friend)?Yes,_(I) are 用所给词适当形式填空 用所给词的适当形式填空.1.________dresses are red.(we)What colour are __________?(you)2.Show ________your kite,OK?(they)3.I have a beautiful cat.______name is Mimi.These cakes are______.(it)4.Are these_______tickets?No,_____ 48的5/6比一个数的50%多13,求这个数列式 按词的适当形式填空:If you are tired,____ a rest.(have) 48比一个数的6分之5多4,求这个数? 这本故事书我每天看12页.看了16天后,还有20页没看.这本故事书共有多少页? 英语翻译i said in fury,for to shoot such a human creature seemed to amount almost to murder 英语翻译he seemed to be in no hurry to escape 英语翻译There is a robot that can have conversations with humans.When it listens to its internal voice to think about what it’s going to say,it uses the same circuit as when it is listening to aperson talk.我只想问it listens to its internal “晕眩”的英文名词形式怎么说?dizzy 是形容词形式的晕眩,我想要个名词,请问用哪个词? 值日的英文名词形式是什么 跪求10句描写外貌的句子,要名著里面的,(句尾表面句子出自那本名著) 晶晶看一本129页的故事书,已经看了7天,每天看12页剩下的每天看15页,再用几天可以 冰心名言名句有没有短一点的名言 粗心的近意词是什么 冰心的名言后天我们班要听课,讲的内容是冰心奶奶的《谈生命》,大家帮忙找一下冰心奶奶的名言和谈生命的读后感啊!越多越好!还有她书的名字! 粗心的后面加什么词合适呢 温暖的近反意词 粗心的近意词 求路遥的《平凡的世界 》的赏析也就是写一篇有关的小论文,赏析解说这部小说的 这里的粗心怎么写.Lucy did the exercises too(粗心)_________(care变形) 青海格尔木海拔多高 我准备去青海格尔木,想问一下那里海拔多少米?昼夜温差大不? 格尔木什么地方海拔最高