
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:23:05
My bike doesn't work.(改为同义句) ( )is ( ) with my bike. University majors should not be ____ market demand and the government should give more support for "unpopular" majors such as literature,history and philosophy (哲学).\x05A.at the cost of \x05\x05\x05B.at the risk of \x05\x05C.at the me 背英语单词不会忘有什么诀窍吗 HIs lecture was difficult and I didn't know -------he said meant in his lecture.A.that B.what C.tHIs lecture was difficult and I didn't know -------he said meant in his lecture.A.that B.what C.that that D.what waht They didn't find the lecture by the scientist difficult ------- I didn't know what could I said这句有错么 I was in a strange city and i didn't know the city at all.and what is more ,i could not speak a word of the language after having spent my first day in the town center ,i decided to lose my way on my second day,since i was sure that this was the bett what should we do if it () tomorrow.A rains B rainedwhy?help me I get a letter from him.He gets a letter --- me是填for还是from My watch doesn't work.I must have it____A.repairB.repairsC.repairedD.repairing My watch doesn't work. Why not have it My watch doesn't work.I'll have it___(mend)用所给词的正确形式填空 The fatory is very big.There are two t() and five hundred workers in it There are five boys in the pictures.对five画线部分提问 大家有没有及英语单词的小诀窍啊?我总是记了又忘 英语好难啊!背一个忘一个,谁有记英语单词的诀窍啊? 句型转换:My computer doesn't work.I will have someone repair it this afternoon.(改为同义句) -The computer doesn't work.-Really?I'll have it _tomorrowA.repairB.repairingC.repairedD.be repaired This computer doesn't work.——Really?I'll have it ( )tomorrow.A.repair B.repaired C.to repair D.been repaired答案说选B,为什么不选C呢 srange things happen to time when you travel ,because the earth is dived in twenty-four parts one hour apart Sorry, I didn't understand what you said .改成同义句Sorry, I didn't —— ——.(2个空格)Sorry, I didn't —— what you said .(1个空格) I didn't quite understand what u said I didn't understand what you said it's too hard I didn't understand what you said it's too hard what shall we do if it____tomorrow.A:rains B:rain C:will rain D:is raining 应该选哪个 3、(单选题) What would you do if it ____ tomorrow?A、rain B、is raining C、will rain D、rains 25.the 7:30 train from Paddington.A.caught B.to25.the 7:30 train from Paddington.A.caught B.to have caught C.to catch D.having caught Shall we take the 10:30 train?No.If we took that train,we would arrive too late.翻译 You _____ catch the 9:30 train to Paris. i got to the office early that day,____ the 7:30 train为什么用having caught而不是to catch My watch doesn"t work ,I must have it repaired这里的repair为什么用过去式呢求解释我知道这里是有一个关于have的固定短语求支出 have sb have sth什么的 my watch doesn't work .I must have it repard