
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 17:07:05
为什么人和人的思想不一样?每个人的基因不一样,从小接受的教育也不一样,生活环境和经历也不一样,所以人的思想就不一样. 为什么人和人的想法都不一样呢?比如我希望我爱的人幸福,而有的人却无论如何都想要得到不属于自己的,甚至会伤害至亲也毫无悔意 The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he _____ some European business partners.A.would meet.B.is meeting C.meets \x05 D.had met Our new English teacher, who is said to have moved back to china,Our teacher _____for 10 years before she came here. A.taught B.had taught C.has taught D.had been taught 答案选B 2. Our new English teacher, who is said to have moved back to 10.Buses move quickly in big traffic jams.(quickly划线提问) 应该上早教班吗? 早教真的要去上早教班吗?在家早教也不错 信任,真诚 今天就定两个汉堡包吧.用英语翻译 他需要多吃鱼,少吃汉堡的英语翻译 If we can not stay with each other forever.Let us kiss,kiss in the wind ,and say goodbye-bye. what the summer camps offer is an opportunity to take part in kinds of outdoor activities.为什么用 what You shouldn't stay at home all day.You should take part in outdoor activities 同义句You should takeyou should take part in outdoor activities _ _ staying at home all day. 序跛什么意思 序和跛 微跛 意思? 宋庆龄的姐姐是谁?宋庆龄的姐姐叫什么?...麻烦告诉硪一下...把拼音也打出来... 此独以跛之故的跛是什么意思 state-owned什么意思?谢谢! state owned enterprise 篆书这个字转成汉字是什么?在紫砂壶底部看到这个字,不知是什么字,请教懂篆书的朋友~ state-owned 为什么要加“-”符号 national与state的区别要准的! Austria national和Austria state区别 state editor/national editor分别什么意思the state editor supervises reporters who cover communities and areas outside the city but still within the circulation area of the newspaperthe national editor supervises reporters in bureaus in cities o 《如果有一个人真心的爱我,懂我,心疼我的人,我会保护TA的,》英语怎么翻译? how to recite the English words for pupils “时间能证明我是真心的爱你,我永远等你”  翻译成英语  谢谢! who can tell me how can I recite English word? 夏商周 的皇帝服装的特点包含文字和图片,越详细越好. 大家都在哪里翻译过学历认证啊? 请问大家都在哪里翻译学历认证呀? 古诗的意思全文!