
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:59:20
如图,已知长、宽分别为a,b的长方形耕地中间修两条宽为c的路,求剩余耕地的面积 is there any c___(根据句意和首字母提示完成句子)of the team winning this 3Q Is there a c__ of the team wining this week 求句型分析.Is there any hope of our team winning the match?our team winning the match是作什么成分?winning the match在这边是做伴随状吗? There is the ____(there) letter she has recevied this week 我们要学习雷锋的精神, Her cousin is hardworking 保持句意不变Her cousin --------- ----------. I've---all my pockets but I still can't find my key to the bike .Agone throughBsearched The most successful team _______ China is the Women is National Team.填介词 9.---- ( (根据答语写出问句)---I can't find my bike. Is there a national team怎么回答 my cousin is in team one,team one 划线 对划线部分提问 六个横线team也划线的呀,不能用wich 提问, 这两棵是什么植物? 这两个分别是什么植物 My bike is not very new,but I find it very u____ 翻译:A good co-worker is responsibe. (1) I hired him because John is a good worker.(2) I told him that John is a good worker.explain why him in sentence (1) can be co-indexed with John ,but not in sentence (2).考察的是什么啊.完全没概念, But I find it is very d( ).填一个单词, 学雷锋用英语怎样说 学雷锋 英语怎么说 这两株分别是什么植物第一株第二株 ‘学雷锋’ 用英文怎么说呢? 这两株是什么植物 这两株是什么植物啊 请问这两株是什么植物? 谁能给一个关于学雷锋的英文演讲稿 这两株是什么植物? 谁知道这两株植物是什么吗? May I go there by bike?、、May I go there by bike?No,you _____ .The weather is rainy.A.aren't B.don't C.can't 在初中一语文《幼时记趣》中,作者为什么能达到“观蚊如鹤”如此高妙的境界?请简要说明理由 辄以水沃面(辄在文中的意思,写一个成语)急用 幼时记趣 夏蚊成雷,私拟作群鹤舞空.心之所向,则或千或百果然鹤也.昂首观之,项为之强.……续写