
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 07:42:57
请回答四道地理题1、地球上最热的大陆?2、意大利位处哪个半岛?3“日出之地”是什么洲?4、欧洲河流中,流经国家最多是? 黄河的环境问题由什么引起? 求地理题4道1小红说,“这几天,我们这里的气候实在糟糕,刮起了沙尘暴.”这样说对吗?为什么?2下列诗句中描述气候的是:A山雨欲来风满楼 B夜来风雨声,花落知多少 C春风不度玉门关 D清明时 黄河长江面临的共同环境问题有哪些 黄河流域的环境状况?同上... 黄河入海口生态环境状况黄河入海口目前的生态环境怎样?(要具体) "治理黄河""保护长江",面对日益严重的黄河长江环境问题,大家有什么好的建议和点子么?至少写三点 请问怎么用英语表达这句话?我查询了物流信息,发现物流信息停留在6月12号这天.并且提示信息里显示“Pick Up”,请问您能否前往邮局询问下工作人员该包裹是否存放在邮局里. 当前全球突出的环境问题是 环境问题有哪些 请问用英语这句话得怎么表达?能否请您联系一下当地邮局,看看包裹是否已经到达当地邮局? 环境恶化的现象有哪些如题,越短越好! 地震引发的环境问题有哪些? 高分求英语帝帮我翻译文章A common link among fire, floods, food riots: extreme weatherBy JOHN CAREYSpecial to Yahoo! NewsDeadly riots in the streets of Mozambique over sharply higher food prices have left 13 dead. Anger is growing in Egypt 关于backgrounder设置的问题 里面全死英文看不懂 里面可能被我按乱了 怎么才能回复默认 我的是iphone 3g 我要努力了老公我们一起加油吧用英语怎么说 求一英文短信,是由英文字母和数字组成的,正面看是看不懂的,要从镜子里看才能看得出来…如有其它此类型的短信亦可… 让我们一起加油吧这句话的英文怎么写 英语翻译我英语不好,见笑了哈.谁帮翻译下,“People laugh and people cry.some give up some always try.some say hi while some say bye.Others may forget you but never I.” 我还欠缺,还有很多事要做呢!呵呵,一起加油吧!用英语怎么说 英语“让我们一起加油吧!同学们!”怎么说?如题 英语翻译完形填空Who designed (设计) the first helicopter (直升飞机)?Who __1__ of the most famous pictures in the world?Who knew more about the human body than most __2__?There is an answer __3__ all these questions --- Leonardo de Vinci 2009山东卷英语完形填空的翻译(文章百度搜索一下就有了) 我需要提供什么信息吗这句话 英文怎么翻译呢 英语翻译Hi is this adam 英语翻译One day,Mr.Smith went to a dinner party.He was wearing very old clothes.He came into the room.But people in the room didn’t look at him.They didn’t ask him to sit at the table.He wasn’t happy.But he said nothing.Mr.Smith went home q 英语翻译一.There are many paths to greatness.Some people go down in history for their influential political leadership.Other are remembered for spectacular scientific breakthroughs for composing great symphonies,or writing brilliant poetry.But w 英语翻译The crow is an ordinary bird.It is about twenty inches long and black all over.Crows are dirty because they live on old bad food.Crows eat a lot of waste food.In this way they are more useful to us than any birds.They clean up the dirty t A:Excuse me.B:_______.A:Where are my oranges?B:Sorry.I don't konw.C:Are there your oranges.A:Oh,yes,there are my oranges.C:Here you are.A:Thank you very much.C:That's ______ ______. 发现其中的乐趣 翻译成英文 谁会英语的补全对话啊?A.Where can we put the cakes?B.What are you doing?C.I’m coming!D.I’m making some cakes.E.I want some help.F.Where are you reading?G..Can you make cakes?————————————————————— 初一年级 英语题:补全对话A:Good morning,class. Today let’s ( )about number ones in ( ) world . First ,( ) is the tallest , do you know .B:It’s the giraffe. The giraffe reaches the highest .A:That’s right . Th