
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 05:46:36
请问【draft the beat】是什么意思?找不准那个意思.(-┍)请大家帮忙喔~~ “沿着大路走,你可能会走出一条小路; 沿着小路走,你可能会走出一条大路.”忽然听到别人说起这句话,很有感觉 却苦于不知怎么表达,望各位有悟之人,赐教. 上下班喜欢走小路还是大路 求个 字 里面含有有草和水的 名字的字有水有草的含义有哪些 作文 how to learn english '' how to learn English'' 如题,Must we go there now?No,you mustn't 这句话的错误之处We must listen she now.这句话 的错误之处能给我一个确切的答案吗,要符合初一的教程。 哪位朋友有《风中的柳树》这本书,要摘抄书中优美词句(五个词,三个句子) 改错 Must I reach there before 7:00?-----No,you mustn't. “Must I reach there before 7:00?”“No,you mustn't.”错在哪里? always only 有人对我说了这句话 ()you()(buy)any food for the picnic yet?——Yes,I() Let's buy sone food for tomorrow's picnic,___________反义疑问句 人为什么要在欢笑中来到这个世界,伴随着哭声而离去? Beneficiary’s certificate stating that flight number and air waybills number have been advised to accountee immediately after shipment.Beneficiary’s certificate stating that original g.s.p form a must be attached to the cargo. 议付信用证项下的单据要求:beneficiary‘s certificate信用证是available with ...by..." :any bank by negotiation.里面单据要求里有一项:beneficiary‘s certificate to the effect that one set of non-negotiable copies of all do beneficiary's certificate怎么写?有具体格式吗?beneficiary's certificate 它属于检验证书吗?有没有格式?该怎么写? beneficiary's certificate 翻译beneficiary's certificate stating that 1 original inspection certificate of quality, 1 original B/L and 1 oricinal insurance policy have been sent to applicant by courier这句话什么意思啊?大概是明白的,希 如何补充氮氨酸锌吃什么可以补充 please translate this sentence:I miss the Miss please fill is the ( )words.A.miss B.misses C.to miss D.missing please add some words to the sentence,否定形式是? 鸟为了减轻身体重量,前肢退化,_________退化,____退化了?请问kfdear,你的答案正确么? 鸟类有羽毛,前肢变成翼,骨骼中空,( )退化 在物种的进化过程中,鲸的前肢和尾巴渐渐变成了鳍,后肢退化了,才逐渐适应了海洋生活.(找出两组反义词) 一个女孩子 叫你去听it is you 有什么特殊含义不如题 It doesn‘t turn clothes yellow. 英国和美国的国旗标志的由来?英国和美国的国旗标志是怎样由来的?各代表有什么意义?...... 使用任何机械都不省功的功是有用功还是总功?十万火急 it is bad for you It is difficult for you to speak English是什么意思