
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:04:33
函数f(X)=sin(wx+φ)(w>0,|φ|<π/2)在它的某一个周期内的单调减区间是 [5π/12,11π/12]如题求f(x)解析式 函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)(ω>0,|φ|<π/2)在它的某一个周期内的单调减区间[5π/12,11π/12]求f(x)的解析式 函数f(x)=sin(wx+fai)在它的某一个周期内单调减区间[5π/12,11π5/12] |fai| 闻名中外造句求支教,我国的唐朝诗人李白闻名中外可以吗? 造句:万里长城是……也是…… 以“长城!”开头造句仿照这个句子:黄河!你是中华民族的摇篮!五千年的古国文化,从你这儿发源.要仿照这个句子, x头上有个a等于3,x头上有个b等于5,则x头上3a-2b的值是多少?ggg 原价的70%是1000 求原价是多少?请问是用什么公式去算? 1000元扣除百分之三还剩多少?怎么算的,公式. 阅兵式的出场顺序从检查阅兵式后开始 she's young and prrtty. she is a uniVerity student.是什么意思 已知a与a+1是两个非零的自然数,他们的最大公因数是?最小公倍数是? A,B两点分别位于一个池塘的两侧,池塘西边有一座假山D,在DB的中点C处有一个雕塑,张倩从点A出发,沿直线AC一直向前经过点C走到点E,并使 CE=CA,然后他测量点E到假山D的距离,则DE的长度就是A,B两 用反证法证明命题“a,b∈N,ab可被5整除,那么a、b中至少有一个能被5整除”时,假设的内容应为( )A.a、b都能被5整除B.a、b都不能被5整除C.a、b不都能被5整除D.a不能被5整除 已知等腰三角形的顶角的余弦等于7/25,求它的底角的正弦、余弦和正切. 有没有类似魔咒的词语?意思相近的 有没有一个词是于拦路虎相近意思的 珠穆朗玛峰高达8848米,这个高度是从地面开始算起的吗? The bag in which a camera was.的翻译是什么 写出2个和闻名中外意思相近的词语 闻名中外的意思是什么 帮忙填以下的括号 答案必须是a,an,the这三个中选择Mother Teresa was ( )Roman Catholic nun who became famous for her loving kindness.In 1948,she started ( ) open-air school for homeless children in Calcutta,India.She was ( ) founder The camera was in Su Yang's bag a moment写出同义句怎么写 The camera in my school bag a moment ago. A. was B. were C. is D. are the,moment,bag,was,a,here,ago(.)连词成句!十万火急! 选用a,an或the填空,不需要要填写的用/This is____blue reler.Please give Mary____box.I have____bag.____bag is new.He often goes swimming in____summer.We have____fashion show today.School in over.Let's go to____playground.Look!There's____appl My bag was on the chair a moment ago.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) 用a;an;the或 / 填空.1.Tom and jack talked for ( ) hour and ( ) half this afternoon.2.She goes to school by ( )bike ervey day.3.Walk along ( ) road,and take ( ) first turning on ( ) left.4.( ) little girl speaks ( ) English better than Chi 二次函数的 -b/2a -b/a c/a各代表什么 急 用a、an、the填空This is___picture of my house.___house is behide ___gym.___desk is beside___bed.___old man is near___bed.He is my grandfather.How many people are therein___picture?Only one.But thereis___dog?It's under___chair. 2a-b+3>0在二次函数是什么意思lll 用a/an the \ 填空用a/an the \填空1 That is ___English book ___book is lost2 This is ___penlil It is ___red penlil3 I am ___teacher I find ___4 Are you___boy?5____orange is_____orange