
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 13:46:58
有一天,某地区降雨量是20毫米,算一算,折合每公顷灌水()立方米 It's true we'll make a brighter day just you and We are just asking you to make it a little better 五峰县全境占地2072平方千米,年均降雨量1446毫米,请问五峰县全年降雨等于多少立方米 一气象台预报:某地将有一次降雨量达80毫米的强降雨,那么该地一拦蓄面积为35平方千米,容积为200万立方米的水库是否准备泄洪? 英语翻译趣闻 丘吉尔每天抽15~16根雪茄,最多一天可抽30根雪茄,有人统计过,丘吉尔一生抽了3000公斤雪茄(即6000斤)!而且此记录至今还未曾被人打破!丘吉尔的经典照片 1941年1月27日,刚开完会的 翻译下面几段话Pandas are come from China . They are black and white . A lot of people are like pandas very much . Because pandas are very cute and gentle . But now have not got a lot of pandas in the world . Pandas are our national treasure , 某天某地区的降雨量是35毫升.请算一算,折合每公顷灌水多少立方米? 某天某地区的降雨量是35毫升.请算一算,折合每公顷灌水多少立方米? 一天某地平均降雨量是80毫米,折合每公顷灌水()吨.(1立方米水合1吨) a trees of there are lot怎么造句? 19. -What's that terrible noise? -John's family_______ for a party.I'm afraid that there will be much_______ this evening. A. is preparing; noisy B. is preparing; noise C. are preparing; noisier D. are preparing; more noise What’s that terrible noise upstars?The neighbors are having a party what is that terrible noise?the neighbors ______ for a party.a、have prepared b、 are preparing c 英语同义句转换 there are many changes in nanjing=it ----- ---- a lot in nanjing Of 42 students in a class,30 of them like PE,20 like Art.How many of them like the both subjects at least?How many of them like the both subjects at most? 三军过后尽开颜的尽什么意思 ①古诗中,五言绝句是四句诗,每句都是五个字;七言绝句是四句诗,每句都是七个字.有一首诗集,五言绝句比七言绝句多14首,总字数却反而少了40个字,两种诗各有多少首?②A、B两条船同时从甲 愚公之家打一成语 愚公之家(打一成语)欢迎关注贴吧 脑筋翻一翻 进行互动. 愚公的家打一成语 they always want to know how the ancient Chinese people could build it so many years ago翻译 谁能给我几篇好的对话型语法填空 It'S Who'S In Your Heart 歌词 Put It in Your Heart 歌词 问个英语问题 _,i will marry him a.was he rich or poor b.问个英语问题_,i will marry hima.was he rich or poorb.whether rich or poorc.were he rich or poord.be he rich or poor 求所有N,U,B,A开头的英文单词.常用的就可以,发20493943上,可以复制来,但复制的专业点 数学,请写出解答过程 1.接一元二次方程时,甲抄错一次项,得根为6和-1;乙抄错常数项,得根为-2和-3,那么正确的方程应该是什么? 一个小数的小数点向右移动一位比原数大47.7,原数是( ) 长方形长50厘米,宽10厘米,在这个图形中剪一个底是4厘米,高是10厘米的直角三角形,(如下图)最多能剪多少个直角三角形?          50厘米  ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ----------,I will marry him all the same.A.were he rich or poor B.Being rich or poorC.Be he rich or poor D.Whether rich or poor这题选哪一个?为什么?