
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:17:35
英语选择八下 英语选择,八下 选择,英语八下 选择式,英语八下 请各位讲解清楚些好么?我非常非常非常的感谢你们! 英语选择,7-12题 12到15题英语选择 12~15 几道英语题目 八下的 1.I think Auther will be (an artist) in ten years.(对括号部分提问)2.The kids will go to primary school next term.(改为一般疑问句) 几道八下英语题目五一那天我女儿和我在水上乐园玩得真高兴.My daughter and I _____ _____ _____ _____in the water park last May Day.Tina去过上海3次Tina has been to shanghai _____ _____ A mile is ( )A 1069 meters B 1096 meters C 1609 meters D 1690 meters 8.9.10题英语八下 9.10题选什么,英语 英语题目10到选择1.Look at the photo of Jim and ____.We are visiting the EXPO.A.I D.mine2.When do you usually play ____?A.piano B.the volleyball D.a chess3.The new term is coming .___of my classmates has some new school thing 英语 10题选什么为什么 英语,第10题应该选什么 英语选择10题1.Linda doesn't like ____ a B./ C.being D.doing2.My mother is a dragon,but she___ a dog.A.likes like D.looks like3.Let's count how many sheep ___on the ill?A.have B.does have C.there are D.are there4.I don't th 英语 这里10题选什么为什么 英语翻译1、他的新书非常成功.His new book was ( )great ( ).2、没有人有理由反对那些跑步运动员跑步.No one ( )( )( )the ( )running.3、我们将继续努力学习功课.We will ( )( )( )at our classes.4、刚才没有人注 英语翻译When Lily was born,we gave Emma a baby doll so that she wouldn't feel left______A.out B.aside C.behind D.over 英语翻译一.我不懂英语 ( )A.I donn`t understand EnglishB.I donn`t speek EnglishC.I donn`t know English 英语翻译1._______________(我们可以做什么)on the computer?2.______________________(有什么用途)the monitor?3.Li Ping is able to _________(下载)information feom the Internet.1.若x是整数,且根号x-3·根号5-x有意义, 英语翻译4.It was then that he realized what had sneaked through the shield of his slumbers.It was the sense of falling snow.A.这时他才意识到是什么透过他的睡眠之盾将他唤醒,那是下雪的感觉.B.这时他才意识到是什 英文翻译 你为什么选择他 英语翻译无法选择确定的选择 英文翻译 你自己选,我来选 你那道英语选择题我认为选Anews 是不可数名词,所以选项中第一个淘汰的就是B.其次,根据感叹句句式,一般分为两种.题中exciting news 连在一起,中间没有定冠词 the,所以C也可以排除.最后经过排除 一道英语选择题,为什么选AShe ___ at ofenB.ofen stays为什么选A不选B呢,拜托给我讲讲 为什么选B.不选A.----It's five years since I was a singer ----Not really!__________?A.Are you a singer B.How is thatC.What dp you mean D.Is it a stranger idea 英语选择题为什么选B不远A? 英语选择题为什么选A不选B___theories approximate the truth is the day-to-day business of science.A Determining how closely B How closely to determine C How one determines close D one is close to determining