
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 13:50:23
日新月异的意思用日新月异造句。 “日新月异”中的“异”意思是(),这个成语常用来表示().很着急啊,快啊亲们! Sixty percent of voters supported the proposal and said they would ___ (willing) pay higher .Sixty percent of voters supported the proposal and said they would ___ (willing) pay higher taxes for better health care.括号中的词变为适当的形式 They said they would not go to the Great Wall if it_____tomrrow.(rains,raining,rained,will rain).选哪个? 有46朵花,至少买几朵正好平均分成5束,要是平均每束3朵,至少要拿走几朵? They said they____(learn)by ___(use)English 用下列词语写一段话:微信,暴雨,自行车,汗流浃背,骄傲可以写成一段话,一个故事,一种思想感情,字数要50字左右. 有5朵花,每行摆3朵,有几种摆法? 娱乐之成语接龙,不限成语字数 —— 天寒地冻》》》 狐狸应该怎样叫的?谁知道啊…… 我想养殖狐狸.我想问一下:养殖十只狐狸到出售要多少成本?养殖狐狸风险大吗?我们这里没什么人养殖,我想第一家.所以什么都不太懂. He _____(arrive) here two minutes ago. The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they __of cold and hungerA)died B)will die C)would be dead D)would have died the local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they___of hunger and coldA.wouldB.will dieC.would be deadD.would have died为什么选择D 是虚拟语气吗 但是我看不出来是对什么时态的虚拟还是别的什么?请 做别人的尾灯 这篇课文的写作方法是是倒叙还是插叙 本人水平太次,求详解一种观赏植物,纯合的蓝色品种与纯合的鲜红色品种杂交,f1为蓝色,f1自交,f2为9蓝6紫1鲜红,若将f2中的紫色植株用鲜红色植株授粉,则后代表现型及其比例是? 九极生物如何做才能快速上级别呢? 由不同的组织按照( )组合在一起构成的能(由不同的组织按照( )组合在一起构成的能( )的结构,叫做器官 不同的组织按照什么结合在一起构成什么 He told me how he had given me shelter and food without which I ___________of hunger. A. would haveHe told me how he had given me shelter and food without which I ___________of hunger.A. would have diedB. would dieC. would be diedD. will die 上接19.下列有关生物体的结构层次的叙述中.错误的是什么.A不同的组织按照一定的次序结合在一起构成器官. 生物体内不同的组织按一定次序聚集在一起共同完成一定的()的结构就是() Have you decided _____ you will go to Beijing on holiday or notA.whether B.what C.where D.how Many students ___ preparing for the midterm examination.A.are engaging in B.are engaged in C.are engaging themselves D.are engagingA错在哪里? We have decided whether we will go to Beijing. We have decided whether we will go to Beijing. We are preparing for the exam(改为同义句) we are preparing for the exam.(改写成同义句) Kathy______ spend time preparing for the exam.AKathy______ spend time preparing for the exam.A.doesn't need to.B.needn't toC.doesn't need.D.needs 在天文馆中( )能证明地球在不停的自转 mary sends him a computer game as a birthday present.(改为同义句) 求问一下图中两个人是谁