
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:00:52
一道函数题(考察单调性和最值)已知f(x)=x+c/x的定义域为(0,+无穷),若对任意x属于N*,都有f(x)》f(3),则实数c的取值范围是?1楼的不要空谈,你想到的我都想到了你我给一个C 英语选择题27-35题,如图所示, 新目标七年级英语上册句型 英语新目标七年级上册第八单元句型 单增+单增=单减+单减=×÷ 新目标七年级英语上册期中句型转换明天就要考英语了! 一道高中数学关于函数的单调性的题目.函数y=√(x²+2x-3)的单调减区间是多少?可不可以是小于-1?这里的标准答案是小于-3. 新目标七年级上册英语七单元的填词 句型转换题 连词成句 对话谢谢啦 在线等七年级上册 HOw much are these pants 英语选择题29-35求解答,最好有解析 英语选择题 求教(求答案和重要的解析)1. Tom bought a lot of books in the library,most of()were written in English.A that B which C what D whom2. We enjoyed ourselves very much in the party ()last night.A being held B h 如何证明(n+1)(1/2)^n,当n大于等于2且n是自然数时,单调递减? 第二小问的答案是(-∞,16] 为什么能取16 为什么要取等号? 已知函数f(x)=log2(x²-2x-3) 则使f(x)为减函数的区间是多少?我知道答案是(-3.还有那个log2这里的2是在log右下角 那个(x²-2x-3)是在右上角 2010合肥一中自主招生英语答案? 2012合肥一中最后一卷英语答案合肥一中校友们,答案下来了,可以对答案了,CABCA ABAAC ABCCC BACCA BDADA BDBDA ABACC BDDCC BDBAC AACCA ADBBD ABCDA BBCAD BCDBA ABDAA 英语测试报七年级下动力版第10单元 轻巧夺冠七年级英语上,10单元检测一.玛丽每天晚上不得不铺床.Mary has to ________ the _______ evrey night.二.选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空.“wash,fight,practice,finish,wear,listen,hurry,come,break,play”1. 七年级奔腾英语10单元答案,谢谢各位了! 2010年四月苏爷爷把存期一年的钱取回得利息225元如果苏爷爷一年前存款时午利率为2.25%,那么苏爷爷但时存入银行多少元钱? 七年级英语同步检测与评估第十单元答案 王爷爷存了2000元的定期一年存款,到期时除去利息税王爷爷一共取出2036元,那么一年定期存款的年利率是多少?为什么? 苏爷爷2007年把自己存期2年的钱取回,年利率2.70%,得税后利息432元.苏爷爷前俩年存入一会多少元? 英语单项选择2、、Aunt Marry has all kinds of different ideas,she is ( ) to be an excellent writer.A.enough energeticB enough creariveC crearive enoughD energetic enough 将一笔资金按一年定期存入银行,设年利率为3.5%,到期支取时得到本利息和为6210元,则这笔资金是多少元 英语高手请进(2道单项选择)1.Tony was very unhappy for _______ to the party.A.having not been invited B.not having invitedC.having not invited D.not having been invitedA为什么不对?2.With so much work ____,the clerk was very anxious 求2道英语单项选择解析34.There are 51 students in Class Three,failed in the test.A.all of which B.all of them C.none of whom D.none of them35.Only when in the afternoon able to leave.A.the match was over; they were B.was the match over; were 2道英语单项选择,20悬赏``可能再追加``1.He wanted to play baskteball,but his mother told him( )a.to play b.not to play c.not to d.don't2.He asked us( ).A.why not see the film B.why we did't see the film c.why didn't we see the film d.why 初三英语2道单项选择Shall we go to the science Museum tomorrow morning?________C.Sound good D.Have fun为什么选C不选DMary,here's a dictionary.I hope it will help youA.just B.nearly C.even D.almost选那一个为什么?对不起……第2 初二2道英语单项选择,求答案及讲解This boat is ___as that one.A.as sameB.the sameC.not differentD.as the sameShe looks just ___before.A.same likeB.as same asC.the same asD.the same 若3x-2y-z=0,x+4y-3z=0,求3x²+y²/4x²-y²+z²的值 英语的一道单项选择We knew that he had failed the exam from his( )look.A.disappointing B.disappoints C.disappointed D.disappoint我们老师说选A,刚好之前我有做过这道题,可里面的答案是选C,我就有点犯晕,还有为 两道英语单项选择求权威.解析.1.This is Mr.Black.my English professor,______I think has something important to tell you.A.whom B.who C.which D.whose2.After four years' work in China,John had a _____unders