
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 13:15:42
I won't tell you my secret unless you____ not to tell anyoneA promising B promised C are promising D are going to promise答案a 原因 This is just between you and me.You_________tell anyone about this.A.mustn't B.can C.should D.This is just between you and me.You_________tell anyone about this.A.mustn't B.can C.should D.have not to 填上合适的单词This is a p___ secret.Don't tell anyone elseDon't always c__ yourchildren with others.If I go to the old people's home,I wil bring them some f___.是什么意思? Don't tell the secret to _____(任何人) else 用anyone 还是someone CaSO4 溶于硝酸吗? CaSO4.2H2O溶于硝酸,为什么?为什么呢? CaSO4溶于稀硝酸吗?谁有扎实的基础和肯定的答案就回答, 硫化氢气体使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色的化学方程式 I can't tell you now-I'll have to ()it.A.think of B.think about C.think over.D.think out It's so dark.I can't tell you____it's a boy____a girl.A:if,and B:that,and C:whether,or D :if,orhelp me! can you tell me__?i think it's BEN'sA.where he livesB.where does he livesC.whose the dictionary is?说明理由。C选项好像应该是whose the dictionary it is you/I/before/tell/open/to/can't/it 连词成句, 氧气吸多了, 氧气吸多了有什么害处 氧气吸多了对人有没有坏处.谢谢 为什么我做的醪糟有时酸有时甜?而且没有水水?别人卖的里面好多水,怎么搞得, 如何表征是物理吸附还是化学吸附 1.2题, 糯米甜酒48小时都没有酒味,非常甜,是否能吃? 硫化氢通入酸性高锰酸钾溶液(高锰酸钾溶液中加有稀硫酸)的化学方程式是什么? 1L丙烷与xLO2混合点燃,丙烷充分反应后,生成混合气体aL,aL通过碱石灰还剩bL,a-b=6,x为多少? 解答题1、2 1. 2题 偏铝酸根和二氧化碳的反应 在实验室里用氢气还原氧化铜制取铜若制取3.2G需要药氧化铜的质量是多少(有过程.)物理有一台发动机功率为500KW输送电路的总电阻为10欧姆若用5000V的电压送电那么每秒中在电路上损耗的 解答题一道,(2) 二氧化碳和偏铝酸根的反应,我这样想的,可以么? 英语大神求指教Should sports be an essential part of one’s life? How do sports enhance one’s physical and mental development?求指教 回答 一到两分钟用英语回答 怎样学英语,速回答 求大神指教英文!动吧那勒,这个是读法请问英文是什么? 求英语好的大神指教!Which one of these three films do you like best?这三部电影你最喜欢哪一部.这么翻译有木有语法错误