
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 10:36:10
男友说只要我好好的就行! 连词成句:are,any ,vase,there ,not ,fiowers ,her,in(.) coffee,isn't,there,cup,the,any,in连词成句 I suppose we will know the result of the exam ____ two days.A.at B.in C.for D.after我选的D.为何不行? 中华文明赞演讲稿 My mother is ill. I _______stay at home and look after her.  A. has to B. must C. would D. have to 答案选D 我觉得B也可以啊. 移动12593 国际长途怎么打啊? 长歌行中百川东到海,何时复西归? 长歌行“百川东到海,何时复西归”是一种怎样的感叹 急、《长歌行》:百川东到海,何时复西归.( ),( )《长歌行》:百川东到海,何时复西归.( ),( )后面是什么、急//快啊 为什么背单词背到后面前面全忘了,而且现在看单词看过的就忘,一个都记不住 Her grandpa was ill in bed_,she had to stay at home.A,so;B,since;C,so that;D,but.请分别介绍一下这四个选项, 有中华文明赞演讲稿吗?无 《长歌行》汉乐府,百川东到海,何时复西归? 嫦娥三号成功落月,真是太高兴了!想问一问,它能再返回来吗? 2013年嫦娥成功落月争议作文 2013年嫦娥成功落月绝大多数人都感到无比的自豪与欢庆,但也有人认为在中国很多孩子都吃不上饭 花这钱搞嫦娥落月有何意义这种航天工程与国计民生不仅没有 Be careful not to ()the vase.It is very expensive.Adrop Bfollow Cnature Dfear 努力背单词,可是好像没什么效果.英语单词应该要怎么背啊,为什么我老是背了就忘呢? 完形填空 there is a big vase with some flowers on the f________there is a big vase with some flowers on the f________ There are some b________ and a lamp on my desk (完形填空)急啊!注意,没有任何选项。 怎样才能学好英语?我每天都很努力的背单词,为什么我的英语还是那么差?每天晨读,早读,晚读,我都在背英语,为什么还是会老样子 My mother is ill,so I have to stay at home and___ ___ ___ ___ ___(照看)herEvery day he is___ ___(实在太)busy,because he has ___ ___(太多)work to do. 英语补全句子:每天读书对你有好处.( ) read books every day. 手机打电话若对方停机或关机时,那段英语提示是?The 什么(听发音为discriber)you dialed is power off? 打电话时,对方手机关机,听到的英文怎么说?正在通话中的呢? 打电话时 如果对方手机关机说的那英文是什么?拜托了各位 谢谢如题 新托福高分120系列的阅读文章是真题么?我做的时候感觉很奇怪,而且题型也和BARRON,KAPLAN,DELTA有很大区别.不知道是不是应该继续做下去,最后一题居然是句子理解. 托福tpo8阅读第一篇疑问?Paragraph 5 Long-distance trade in obsidian probably gave the elite residents of Teotihuacán access to a wide variety of exotic good,as well as a relatively prosperous life.Such success may have attracted immigrants t 记单词记得烦躁了怎么办请推荐一些自己亲生经历的克服烦躁心情的好方法, 大家都怎么背单词啊,我都记不住啊.郁闷. 写how to in improve our english的感想30-40词左右初中水平, 不要写的太难急急急!!! 会者 重奖 求一英语作文 题目是how to improve our english grade how to improve our english作文怎么写