
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:10:05
噪声的评价方法除了主观评价之外还有哪些? 以“大”为偏旁写几个形声字. 以工,韦,相果为偏旁,各写出3个不同的形声字 刊字是什么部首?按许慎的文字学部首分类 欠为部首写几个形声字 f(x)=sin(2x-π/6)-1单调递增区间 浮选机中浮选柱的结构是怎样的? 文字学调剂今年考南师大文字学346 英语59政治73专一118专二96 能不能调剂到广西大学呢 文字学考研计划 传统文字学理论是谁写的 怎么辨别食盐的真假? 真假食盐怎样区分?现在市面上有很多假盐,请问应怎样分辨真假呢? 如何区分真假盐 小康的现代含义是什么?(回答简答题,请尽量言简意赅.) 比如像,中国的民族政策 民族区域自治制度:在少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治.民族平等、团结和共同繁荣,等等 初中政治礼仪的含义. “始知李太守,伯禹亦不如”的意思?出自哪里,为什么这么说? 化学中常见的有颜色的气体和各种有颜色的溶液 ①化学中常见的沉淀有哪些?颜色是什么?②常见的溶液的颜色③一些物体燃烧时火焰的颜色 急求学习管理心理学的体会1000字左右的论文~ 下列物质的颜色,KClO3 KCl KMnO4 K2MnO4 Mn02 碳酸钙 氧化钙 如何辨别真盐和假盐? 如何辨别假盐?拜托了各位 谢谢 怎么区别真盐和假盐? 如何区别假盐 真盐和假盐的区别是什么 Do you always understand the directions on a bottle of medicine?Do you know what is meant by "Take only as directed"?Read the following directions and see if you understand them."To reduce pain,take two tablets(药片)with water,followed by one table 一段英译中请教Output (analog)4-20 mA (source type),max.1000 ohm loadat 24 VDC supply voltageRelay OperationSelectable latching or non-latchingSelectable normally energized ornormally de-energized (except fault)Selectable alarm relay off delays “a story with a touch of humor featuring a teenage boy who can see ghosts”应该怎样翻译成中文?还有,“anime have taken off among teens”如何翻译,主要是其中的“taken 请教几题英译中1.Most strdents have not been taught the principles behind really effective working.2.They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions "friends".3.Similarly,couples who choose not to have children are deciding in favo Sarah Peters was born on January 4th,1973 in Brighton.She and her family lived in Brighton until she was ten.Then they moved to Oxford and stayed there until she left school-that’s Fendale Secondary School-at eighteen.Then she went to London Busine 球化学搞一只高三所有方程式和物质颜色表