
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:02:28
2008年英语应用能力(pretco-a)答案这就是08年6月22号的三级考,小弟俺实在怕过不了,恳求各位哥哥姐姐帮帮忙,给俺份答案,听说还有AB卷, 英语句型转换绝对简单he has there three times .he been there?(对three times提问) 每个?代表一个词 他( )哭着回( ).括号补充词语扩句 Only in this way( )the final English ExamA.CAN WE PASS b.we can pass c.can pass we D.pass can we 他( )把钱装( )口袋里.括号补充词语扩句 用括号中的词连接各组句子eg:1,We were walking down the street.We metsome friends.改为:We werewalking down the street when we met some friend.2,A car knocked the boy over.He wasbeginning to cross the road..(as)3,There was a power cut .W 跨国婚姻的利弊,用英语怎么说 求两篇讲跨国婚姻的英文故事想要两篇讲跨国婚姻故事的英文文章.跨种族也可以,要英文故事,上课要给大家讲的. Listen carefully ,or you _____ what the teacher is saying A am missing B will miss C miss i hope you are take in what i am The hurricane is having a great effect on the econemy 如何用英文表达对跨国婚姻的看法 will you please attend ____ what i am saying?A on B / C in D toattend to 和 pay attend to 是个咋样关系我还以为题目漏了一个pay呢 《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》 的英文写法是什么?《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》用英文怎么写? By the end 是不是它的出现就意味着时态要用过去完成时? what is it that is not poison?这句话语法是什么? what is your name 这句语法是正确的吗? 这句话的语法结构?是什么It is what you do onceIt is what you do once in a while ,it is you do day in and day that makes difference .中的that makes difference 是实际主语吗?为什么前面没有that? what a careless boy Robert is!这句话语法对吗 same和light的反义词是什么 Which shool did u graduate from?and what do u mean by 急 英语口语中“意思是指?”这个问句是用which mean 还是what mean英语口语中“意思是指?”这个问句是用which mean .?还是what mean.?影响里好像是which means,在which mean基础还,结尾还有一个“s”的发音, What are you 温斯顿·邱吉尔说“成功就是从失败走向失败”,其中的道理是怎样的?请解释全意. 温斯顿·丘吉尔都写过那些书的书 light meals的反义词清淡的食物 We succeeded thanks to their help 翻译中文 ___the help of their team, we should not have succeeded.选项: a、As for b、 As to c、 Unless d、 But for _for their help ,we would not have overcome the difficultiesa were not b had it not been c had not it been d had it been not 为什么不选c 我的早年生活 (英)温斯顿.丘吉尔.“每个人都是昆虫,但我确信,我是一个萤火虫.”刚满12岁,我就步入了“考试”这块冷漠的领地.主考官们最心爱的科目,几乎毫无例外地都是我最不喜欢的. 丘吉尔的故事《我的早年生活》怎样朗读? light的反义词 我兔斯基你什么意思