
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:15:06
请用英语告诉我这些数字的读法:107.9FM 97.9FM 970FM, 970英语怎么说 祝大家快乐英语怎么说 我叫王宁,男生,找适合的好听的英文名,要阳光,温暖的意思 103.9FM 英语怎么读 东莞电台107.5用英语读107.5怎么读啊 帮我看看这句英语什么意思,怎么理解呢?I found a sign which said,‘Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!’ 与元音读音相同的字母?所有的与元音读音相同的字母?................................................................................................................................................................................... 关于英语节目FM谁能推荐一个FM的优秀英语节目或英语频道吗?调频多少? 去年上海调频FM93.4的英语节目liveitupshanghai现在还有么?有的话请知情人高知在什么时间播出. 我能用收音机听英语节目吗,调频多少?是那个时间段有啊 FM收音 英语节目请大家向我介绍一些英语收音节目(FM的),具体频道和具体播出时间! 为一位单纯,美丽,善良,阳光的梦想女孩起一个英文名字.一定要符合那几个词哦!他是天秤座的 找出每组单词中画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一个单词.求求各位了,请快点儿…… 30个男孩英文名字 带寓意. 娃娃读初二了,学英语有点恼火,怎样才能让他把单词记得住? 帮我看看下面这句用英语怎么说啊?你说的非常的对,亲爱的龙领领主,我们的圣霄大法师-李察-震撼-刘 英语#帮我看看下面两个句子有没有错哈,错了怎么改?1.There are 65% employees having loud conversations at work.2.52% employees checking phone during conversations. They have done more work with less money.怎么翻译 The more money they had,the bigger their cars were. 去年他停止了工作.英语翻译 He__ __last year. 去年我在三亚度过了一星期 英文翻译 I( )( )( )in Sanya last year Don`t keep your children ( )at home all the time.They need more( )选择题:A.stay,exercise B.stay,exercises C.to stay,exercise D.staying,exercise to keep a trade-,they would have to sel less and buy more in the following smonths.A paceB distance C balanceD increase i ___very thin last year. 帮我看看这句英文怎么理解You are still the paid guide and expert and there is a way to the top somewhere.(这句话中paid guide and expert怎么理解?) 有句英文无法理解,谁帮我看看?By my attire,I am part of the field.I am not close to the hounds (dogs).他是猎人,骑马的猎人,照理应该带狗去打猎的,怎么不接近狗呢?他穿的服装是深蓝色的衣服。 learning art is no more natural than learning math 和learning art is less than learning math意思相同吗?如果相同,为什么2010年湖北高考英语64题不选C Sex is like math add the bed subtract the cloth divide the legs and hope to god you dont multiply这是朋友的签名...我不懂英语 There are three more pages of math to finish . 我叫白雪,帮忙起个英文名.我叫白雪,想起个英文名,但不要SNOW之类的发音类似白雪,BAIXUE. 我叫白雪 我想起一个英文名字 要阳光点的