
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 15:44:07
can you get to there at 6:00改错 有关腐女之类的词的解释,3Q A Car-Driver A Car- Co driver B Car-Driver 分别怎么翻译 he put a piece of cheese in his pocket.用where提问. 用what提问 center street通常用Center Street表示中央街,为专属名词,开头大写那么street小写时Center变不变小写?可不可译为“中心的街道”?具体句子是There is a post office on _____ street.A.center B.middle C.Middle D.Center 子曰:人而不信,不知其可也!大车无輗,小车无軏,其何以行之哉?怎么翻译?其中“輗”“軏”怎么读? 『22』子曰:「人而无信,不知其可也.大车无□,小车无□,其何以行之哉?」含义 (学外语)英文是什么? have...to do stn和have...doing stn的区别老把这两个搞混淆,大恩不言谢! 英语电影,学外语 英语翻译 Tony's pen pal is froru America否定句该怎么改 Tony's pen pal is froru America该怎么改成一般疑问句 翻译 The House vote caps years of frustration for lawmakers为了利于理解我把整句拿来:The House vote caps years of frustration for lawmakers as the United States has continued to shed manufacturing jobs, and promises of reform from the 孔子曰:“人而无信,不知其可也.”以此为中心,写一篇不少于800字的议论文 英语翻译没漏,将选择中文贴切的回复 Peter is going to the bank after dinner.用bank怎么提问 There is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. 美国最小的货币单位叫什么? There is a limit to what one person can tolerate. 烟囱温州话怎么说?汉堡包怎么说?晚安怎么说? 用could,should,couldn't,shouldn't填空A:Well ,look at your bedroom,Jenny.You ____ clean your room every day.You ____ leave all the things around.B:I don't know I ____ keep them.I think you _____ help me put them away.But Mom,______ you please give 台风来临,我们应该做些什么,不应该做什么?请用should和shouldn’t填空We________sur the internet.We________use the home telephone to talk to our friends.We________put the plants and pets inside.We________play games outdoor.We______ 回族语 晚安和我爱你怎么说啊找个回族的朋友帮我,回答下:晚安和我爱你用回民的语言怎么说啊 货币单位是啥 朋友有些低落,我安慰说 there there,他回我一个:where is there.什么意思?怎么回答.?there there 在英语里面可以理解为 安慰语:好了好了。她也知道我什么意思,但是他回一个 :where is there 我就 Islamic Republic of 故都的秋原文 故都的秋 秋在哪里? 原文3-11段里找 模拟电路和数字电路之间如何实现传输 加拿大107-6710-158AVE NW EDMONTON,ALBERTA.AB的邮编是多少 请问这个加拿大地址怎么翻:1707 94 Street NW Edmonton,AB T6N 1E6 CANADA1707 94 Street NW Edmonton,AB T6N 1E6 CANADA应该翻译成加拿大阿尔伯达省埃德蒙顿市.T6N 1E6是邮编吗