
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 16:22:01
英语 英语英语急 (11 8:23:52)It' just a month ______ we got here.A.whenB.sinceC.whichD.until 有谁可以跟我解释一下这句话,always go with the chance that scare you the most,because that 's themore that is going to require the most from you.第三个that的作用?还有require the most中的most改为more是不是更合适些? it impressed me most that he was always modest and polite.这里it能做形式主语吗,这句话对吗,我怎么觉得不是怎么通呢,这话的意思是:他总是这么谦虚和有礼是给我印象最深刻的.请说明原因,谢谢了 “革命”和改革两个词有什么不同?为什么历史上一些事件叫“革命”,有的叫“改革”?说明白一点说出主要的分别... 故事和诗词有甚么区别? Have you ever bee a tour guide?Have you ever been a tour guide?Write an ad for your country/hometown or a place you have?Where is it?What's it famouse for?What can you do there?How about the/food/people/weather?How you ever been to?It's famouse for?T 同义句转换:Guide dogs don't have to follow this law.Guide dogs _____ _____ this law. 世故与圆滑的区别从贴吧里看了篇帖子,说摩羯座的人可以世故,却一辈子不能圆滑,我就不明白了这两者的区别在哪里? This dinner looks _______ to me,and I like it.A.terrible?B.good?C.badly?D.nicely 知识和世故不同,( ).是一句名言 It looks strange to dress like this __like this ___strange_like this _strange 成熟和世故的区别?是否,成熟的人都懂得怎样处理好人情世故?那么,为什么又会说世故的人和成熟的人不同? it looks stange to dress like this 同义句同义句为 ( )like this ( )stange。 什么是世故? guide dogs for the blind的中文意思 1.The blind _____ unable to see,so guide dogs help a lot.(A) is (B) are (C) was (D) were2.People wore costumes ____________ animal skins.(A) made of (B) made from (C) making of (D) making from Guide dogs make ______ for blind people to cross the street is possible B.possible that C.possible possible最好讲一讲原因 一题语文题.(补充下面句子)老师是__________,她____________________;老师是_________,她___________________. 补充下列诗句一尺课桌--二人同坐---三心二意---四处张望--- 五花八门--六神无主--- 语文题目.(把下面的诗句用线连一连)遥望洞庭山水翠 不教胡马度阴山黑云翻墨未遮山 树头花落未成阴但使龙城飞将在 身世 求Marc anthony-I Need you中文歌词MARC ANTHONY :I Need YouFrom the day that I met you,girlI knew that your love would beEverything that I ever wanted in my lifeFrom the moment you spoke my nameI knew everything had changedBecause of you I felt my need not to know need not to know是错误的吗?是柯南里的,分明不对,问啥要这么说 need not to 是名侦探柯南里的 need not to know有语法错误吗怎么好像读起来不太对……求高人解答 已知外数列{an}中,通项an是关于项数n的一次函数,且a8=14,a2,a3,a5为等比数列,数数列{an}的通项公式 我的英语基础很差,现在工作中要用英语,想找个英语班提高一下,请大家给点建议? 日本历史教科书中提有关中国的事吗古代和现代 怎样写的对中国部分提的多吗实际吗 日本人做倭寇怎样讲的 我的英语基础很差,但我工作是需要和外商交流的,有适合我的英语班吗? 中国和日本历史教科书的区别 本人英语基础很差,特别是口语,想找个英语班针对性的提高一下? 想找个针对口语提高的英语班,本人工作几年了,英语基础不太好.上过的朋友们帮下忙啊?