
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:44:45
Mrs Mills goes to london she doesn't knowMrs Mills goes to London,She doesn't know London well and she can't find her way.Suddenly(突然),she sees a man at a bus stop."I can ask him the way." She says to herself."Excuse me," She says."Can you te Mrs.Green was caught in heavy rain and she was all wet.Bet her head is.Why? 请帮我看一下这几个字是什么,我看不懂啊, 小发明蟑螂捕捉盒的原理 怎么提高英语听力?怎么看英语电影听不懂,看了字后才略懂意思 蟑螂的生命力强处1:蟑螂的历史有数亿年,而人只有几百万年.强 强处2:蟑螂有3700多种...杂食?不...只要是有机物几乎都吃.强 强处3:蟑螂可在真空下(非绝对真空,如宇宙)可以存活至少10分钟. 请帮忙看一下这些中药是什么名称? 医生写的字有的看不懂、、、请帮忙翻译一下 蟑螂辨别.懂蟑螂的请不灵赐教.我们房中前几天喷了“雷达”,地面出现许多死蟑螂.我能够辨认的有美洲大蠊、黑胸大蠊,除了这两种常见的蜚蠊,还有一种和它们长得都不一样.美洲大蠊和黑胸 英语翻译 世界上有几个人叫小强? 英语翻译 从读书中我们可以获取知识,陶冶美的情操,这就叫获得了“精神食粮”.想想还从哪儿可以让我们获得精神食粮,为什么 “书是人类进步的阶梯”,书是我们的良师益友.读书可以增加我们的知识,陶冶我们的情操,丰富我们的情感在浩如烟海的知识海洋中,如何从书中吸取营养,我们每个人都有不同的方法.请以“我 从读书中我们可以换取知识,陶冶美的情操,这就叫获得了“精神食粮”.想想还从哪儿可以让我们获得精神食粮为什么? 急!回答以后,注意为什么? Mrs.Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ___ went wrong again.A.it B.ti repaired C.repaired D.to be repaired解析上说she had had 引导的是定语从句省略了that ,是不是 the washing machine that she had repair 看书!多看书!累积自己的知识,开阔视野 Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had repaired went wrong again?为什么填 repaired?it repaired行吗? Mrs.Brown was disappointed to see the the washing machine she had_had ____ went wrong again ,这个不是 我是说 就是那个 Mrs.Brown was disappointed to see the the washing machine she had that had repaired went wrong again repair 是及物 用什么方法捕捉蟑螂 英语翻译A.are held B.was holdC.will hold我老师说选A,但是我在网上看到的有个Be动词用is the Olympic Games)In the Olympic Games ,swimming is ____ secong ____ importance only to track and field events.A.the; toB.\;toC.the;inD.\;in为什么? 奥林匹克运动会每四年举办一次.英语怎么说? 一道英语选择题:-How often the Olympic Games held?-( A ) four years A Every B Each为什么B选项是错误的 过去完成时与过去进行时的区别是什么?如题还有昨天这个时候他们正在开会They __ __ __ __ __his time yesterday空里应用哪个时态?3Q What is Liu Xiang called?In which competition did LiuXiang get gold medaLin 2004?Why did Liu XiangWhat is Liu Xiang called?In which competition did LiuXiang get gold medaLin 2004?Why did Liu Xiang turn into hurdie run?What new record did Liu Xiang se What is LiuXiang famous for?主要是“110米跨栏”(用英语) liuxiang is a star (run) LiuXiang's breaking the record in the Asian Games was an exciting moment,______all of us will never forget.为什么用one不用that 英语听力原文一个是一段英语广播,还有一首英文歌,需要英语原文,有中文最好中英对译, 英语听力听不明白,什么原因,能听出来单词但是反映 不出什么 意思,还有英语长对话应该怎么听,如何克服紧张心理. 海洋——21世纪的希望