
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 17:14:12
1、用英语写一些你家附近有什么建筑 你怎么去哪儿.2、That is a 15 dollars fine,这个句子哪里错了? he is a biack sheep;he likes black tea翻译 He wear a crange shirt and a brown trousers.His shoes is black 请把以上这段英语错的地方改一下. and yet you so 我不懂那个tanB=2怎么来的,讲这个就好 写出有关感情的句子40字左右 如何提高个人领导力 托福作文求助这样的作文几分?My perspective of whether should the hight schools give a group of students the same mark is definite, they should not. Education, a integral and significant filed of human society ,also have the divergence His pen is(black).(对括号部分提问 There's another thing that i want you to help meThere's another thing that i want you to help me i am what to you?i wanna ask?then,so i gonna ask another I've applied to teach English there and I want to ask your opinion.其中applied 原型是哪个词? What’s up是啥意思? Love so near,but so far away.的汉译 you're so far away but i feel you so 全歌穿插着这句词So far away,最后也以它结尾.一首很有节奏的女声英文歌,刚在91.5播完谁知道? So Far Away的链接Ldy Lickem的So Far Away、要连接、能放空间的、 什么是团队领导力? Iwant to see the film tonight.( )you go with me?答案填will可以填would吗? 求几篇符合题意的文章!1.不少长大有成就的人,就是从童年的梦中走向成功的.童年的梦幻又常常与童年生活的环境,生活息息相关.(就名人小时候怎么样,养成了好习惯或者生活所迫,从而使他 帮忙找篇符合此题意的作文,急呀…一个执意要寻找天堂的忍,当他经历艰难跋涉来到天堂门口时,欣喜地大叫:“我来到天堂了!”看门人问他:“你说什么啊,这里是天堂?”寻找者顿时傻了,“ 帮我写篇作文(复制的也行,只要符合题意)小男孩问爸爸:"是不是做父亲的总比做儿子的知道得多?"爸爸回答:"当然啦!"小男孩问:"电灯是谁发明的?"爸爸:"是爱迪生."小男孩又问:"那爱 作文 帮我找一篇 一定要符合题意.四、作文(60分)阅读下面材料,根据要求作文.苏轼有诗云:“人生到处知何似?应似飞鸿踏雪泥;泥上偶然留指爪,鸿飞那复计东西.”大雪覆盖的原野,几只 题意作文怎么写? true,dream,his,a,being,musician,can,come, Her dream of being a dancer comes true同义句转换 She---------her dream of being a dancer--------She --------- her dream of being a dancer. 甲数和乙数是6.55,甲数和丙数是7.55,乙数和丙数是7.1,求甲乙丙数各是多少? they are grey trousers.对换线部分提问.划线部分是grey._ _ _are they? 补全对话:A:Are they __?B :No.they are Tom's. 用迭代法求解方程:x-2cosx=0 so near is so far谁见过这句英文... 组织力和领导力分别是什么意思