
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 11:42:29
商场搞促销活动,每袋糖果15元,买4袋送一袋.王阿姨一次买了4袋,每袋便宜了多少元? 某商场搞促销活动.某种商品前两件每件40元,然后每多买一件,都可享受六折优惠.王阿姨一共花了200元.王阿姨一共买了多少件商品 they aie缩写完全形式!急呀 His cousins are very polite 对 very polite 画线提问 His cousins are (very polite ) There is (some water) in the glass对括号内的部分提问 Give them some fxxking credit,I mean for real求大神帮助什么意思. This is the de_____.We often have it at the end of dinner. be,begin,do,have,make,rian(填空) 2,in autumn it?not often?in this part of the country.3.we often?swimming in summer.4.everyone?happy and?a good time during Spring Festival. If the earthquake come back,后面填将来时的句子吗?如果是我们能做得比他们更好使将来时吗? 骑旋转木马作文 她若涉世未深,就带看见世间繁华.她若饱经沧桑,就带她坐旋转木马.英语翻译 Jenny was w______ for her mother.横线前面的字母是单词带头的字母,单词要中文意思. 用Jenny和mother造个句子,要求是和打电话有关的 推荐一些音乐吧 适合边工作边听的 工作是翻译 很疲惫 很烦人 出自《五柳先生传》的成语是[ , ]谈谈对文中“不”字的理解.请注意成语是两个空,另外对“不”的 理解应结合文章! 五柳先生传中九个“不”字,有何意义 The mountain is green.(改成复数)There was a butterfly on the bench.(复数) mountain有复数吗?(当mountain意思是山的时候?)明天老师讲评后再来处理啦! Today we ______ two new _______.A.have,student B.has,students C.have,students students today two we new have 连词成句 如图已知在四边形ABCD中,∠DAB的角平分线和∠ABC的角平分线相交于点M 求证 ∠AMB=二分之一(∠C+∠D)如图已知在四边形ABCD中,∠DAB的角平分线和∠ABC的角平分线相交于点M求证 ∠AMB=二分之一( are,picture,who,in,they,this.连词成句. be stuck for的中文意思 Which lettre is an insect?A.T B.P C.S D.B 英语介词:by + 时间名词 by morning by sunset by tomorrow by friday例句是:i hope you can get this done by morning..这句子该如何理解 我理解成是到早上之“前 ABCD是长方形,F是DA延长线上一点,G是CF上一点,并且∠ACG=∠AGC,∠GAF=∠GFA,证明∠ECB=1/3∠ACB Which Ietter is an insect要这个的中文翻译和英文答案 一个没有期待的星期五.翻译成英语是什么?是 a no expectation's friday 鹬蚌相争感悟联系生活实际,400字,爱问知识人! 羌笛何须怨杨柳,( ) 说一则新闻,并说出从中感悟到的道理,举出身边的例子,说出新闻内容 修改病句 一条弯弯的小路