
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:04:31
写一篇英语作文, 春 是用什么方式在景物描写中抒发感情的? 《春》是怎样在景物描写中抒发情感的? have done和have been麻烦大家开导我下,糊涂 Can you tell me where the bus stop is?改为同义句 3种 You must pass three one-way__(street) how are you 的意思是什么? 栀子花的好处急用! 桅子花有什么作用 how are you 应该如何回答 别人跟我说how are you 我该怎么回答 HOW are you?怎么回答?HOW are you?怎么回答?HOW are you?怎么回答? There is __bread,but quite__eggs left on the table .A,a little ,few B,little,a few C,little ,few. 单项选择 There are _____ apple on the table.Woule you like to have one?A.few B.a few C.a little There is some bread on the table.为什么不用There is a little bread on the table.还有翻译句子:没有面包在桌子上.可以翻译成:There is little bread on the table.不可以的话,请说明理由. on the flip side 英语完形填空A man’s mind is rather like a camera.It takes photos not only of what we see,but of what we feel,hear,smell and taste.when we take a real photo with a camera,we have much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show it to 哪里买木质玩具? 描写寇白门 的诗句越详细越好 秋夜将晓出篱门迎凉有感的诗句描绘了什么 纠错 Two hours are too short for us to finish our homework. Two hours are too short for us to finish our homework.为什么用is outlook english is my favorite tv showoutlook english is my favorite tv show ,l can l( )a lot from it. I______finish the homework in 2 hours.A can B shoud be able to C might D may 英语完形填空, 最不喜欢完形填空了, 英语完型填空,求学霸解答 The w------ usually shows you the menu wh you eat in a restaurant. 这些花真美,改成夸张句 “西湖真美.”这句话怎么夸张 天目湖在哪里啊,最近想去天目湖玩下,求建议,最好能有个交流的地方 A flip of a coin