
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 01:56:41
there is no way 和 there is no need 在用法上有什么区别?后面跟从句? There is no need to arguing with such a man.There is no point (in) arguing with such a man.怎么翻译 成语串串联,用几个成语造句,至少3个成语 There is no such thing ...怎么翻译 英语翻译整个句子是:there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. there's no such thing=there's not such a thing吗?Land belongs to the city; there is _A_ thing as private ownership of land.A no such a B not such C not such a D no such为什么不选C,不是说no=not 求英文歌 林二汶 爱的教育读后感50字, 武汉市小学家教多少钱一小时/好的三年级数学家教推荐 大家帮忙分析一个英文句子It helps bring electronics products to market transfer and more cost effectively.翻译一下这个句子,more cost effectively是什么成分.那cost到底是译成消费还是成本,是动词还是名词?tran 长城高大坚固所起的作用 长城为什么高大坚固 万里长城有什么特点 《长城》的作者抓住了长城的什么特征? 分式方程应用题工程问题北京市要修一段高速公路,现有甲,乙两工程队.甲乙合作要24天完成,总共需要120万元;若甲单独做20天后,剩下乙单独做,乙还需40天完成,这样需要110万元.(1)问甲,乙两 一次函数y1=k1x-4与正比例函数y2=k2 x部经过点(2,-1)求这俩个函数与x围成三角形的面积 一个英语句子,He dared the anger of his family.这个句子的结构我好陌生啊,动词后面没跟不定式,却直接接了个名词.大家帮忙分析下这个句子的语法,和相关知识点,我英语基础好差的.我解释下我的意 请大家帮忙分析一个英语句子.you can find a way to support yourself working in a field you enjoy!中为什么work 要用ing形式, 二年级语文上册27课有哪些认读生字 已知一次函数y=k1x-4,与正比例函数y=k2x的图像都经过点A(2,-1) (1)分别求出这两个函数的解析式(2)求这两个函数的图像与x轴围成的三角形的面积就第二问我想问一下为什么令y为0,怎么不 一次函数y=k1x-4与正比例函数y=k2x的图像经过点(2,-1),(1)分别求出这两个函数的表达式第二问 求这两个函数的的图像与x轴围成的三角形的面积 一次函数y=K1X-4与正比例函数y=K2X的图像经过(2,-1).1)分别求两函数表达式.2)求这两个函数的图像与X轴围成的面积. When your homework ______(do),you can play computer games for a while. can I Play computer games?的翻译 near 和 next to 的区别 I __ __ __ play computer games when I __ __ school.写出 When I go back to school ,I will not play computer games any longer的同义句,并且翻译成中文 next to 与near 的区别I'm Tim.Tomorrow is Sunday.I'm going to the bookstore.I want to buy some new books.It's near a big post office.It's far from here.I'll take No.12bus to go there.It's a white building.After buying some books,I'm going to have 描写哭 句子(200字)追加20老师让我们写~急,好的追加20 让我流泪的香橡皮 这篇文章很感人,写一段不少于200个字的推荐语 don't make so much noise .or ____ of the two boys can fall asleep A.either B.all C.both D.neither应该选哪个? 秋季是autumn或the fall那上个秋季是last autumn和什么?不是last the fall吗?我看到怎么是last fall? I live ____to a forest .close,next,near 哪个对