
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 08:52:12
脚趾头 还是 脚指头?(错别字) 脚趾头痒是怎么回事? 已知y=f(x)是定义域[-1,1]上的减函数 ,则不等式f(1-a) 那里可以看到小姨多鹤这个电视剧 我看网络上都没,电视在播放不过每天才2集不过瘾,孙丽和姜武演的 想问下你们现在去扎龙能看见鹤吗现在扎龙的鹤迁徙回来了吗 我们必须在合同签订之前或者签订合同过程中通知对方 翻译成英文 这是什么鹤 支公好鹤体现在哪里 英汉互译 1 dark cluods .2一个寒冷的冬天 3一个阳光灿烂的早上 4繁忙的一天 5一条危险的路 6一双白色鞋 作文 一件难忘的事,最早只能到暑假时 信不信由你 的 英文 "信不信由你"英文咋说 哲学角度判断对错既然狼吃羊是残忍的,那么人吃羊同样也是残忍的这句话从哲学角度看对不对,为什么? 能帮我看看这几题是否正确么,我语法总是弄不清 To such an extent ___his empty speech that some of us began to dozeA did he go on with B he would go on with C he went on with D he did go on with选哪一个.为什么? the people present were impressed with his speech considered as a great encouragement to us中为什么用were?他不是present现在吗?considered as a great encouragement to us是不是修饰speech的? 10.___ were interested in his speech.A.All the people presentB.All the present peopleC.Present all the peopleD.All present the people为什么不是B机其它选项?请详细说明. Chances of a _____(settle)were effectively ruined by his speech.还有句子翻译 写给奶奶的诗句 繁体字13笔属水的!请问有哪些字想帮我儿子改名字,姓:梁,中间字取:梓,现还差尾字.五行欠水,要13笔请问有哪些字? 谁有”水”的繁体字?水水水 繁体字“岭水”简体是什么啊 浮云游子意落日故人情蕴含什么哲理 his advice,his books were well received by young people. most of his questions were answered by the nice people in the Mac independent software community翻译 我写了一封英文信,大家帮我看看,有没有格式和语法错误的,帮我改改Dear Depp:Hello,I am a fan of you from China,I 15 years old,the first time I saw you are in "pirates of the Caribbean factory" series movie,I think you cool,I l 美国代写ESSAY怎么写 做最好的自己揭示了什么 给朋友的一封英文信100字(内容关于对朋友的感觉) 问鳞次栉比是否可以形容群山. 鳞次栉比是形容整齐还是不整齐 下列句子加点的成语使用正确的一项是 A.周围高高低低的树木鳞次栉比,庄严肃穆的修道院就坐落在这片绿树浓荫中B.进入九年级以来,我们班的好多同学都比以前更加苦心孤诣地学习,很多同