
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 18:37:42
We earn and save money ____ a computerA.in the hope of gettingB.in hoping to getC.with the hope of gettingD.for the hope of "远处传来军号声"如何翻译? 秦国军队的军号今天看【英雄】,看到秦军射箭都要喊“风”,后来去查了,似乎秦军破阵就喊“鹰”,这就是秦军的军号吧,那秦军还有别的军号吗 士兵要理解军号声的意义要先通过什么中枢 "这军号声是表示熄灯睡觉的意思吗"怎么翻译 Can I go out to play football if I finish___my homework,Mum?A.to solve B.solving C.to do D.doing 贯穿人类社会的两个基本矛盾是什么? 在共产主义社会,人类社会又会面临什么主要矛盾? Building such a station will cost__money.A.a large number of B.a lot of We will be slaves of money! I think we will get a large ( ) of money by doing soA.number B.amountC.lotD.plenty l have spent half of the money and l decide to put away .a.the others b.the rest c.the remaining d.the left I have spent the whole money.错在哪 We have spent _____money on English books .A a great deal of B a good many C a plenty of D a numbe为什么选Aa plenty of 也能接不可数啊 we have spent too much money recently.well,it isn`t surprising ,Our friend and relatives -----arround all thetime.A comingB had comeC were coming D have been coming选什么?为什么?其它三项错在哪里?···· 清朝经济与宋朝经济哪个更发达 新概念英语三、四比较好的篇章,想用来练听力!推荐下! prevent sb/sth from doing造句 新概念英语2练听力好不? prevent sb from doing sth 其中sb用宾格还是主格? prevent sb from doing sth 告诉一下怎么个用法.不必告诉与其他词组的区别 世界末日来了呵呵 新概念英语能练听力带语音吗网上在哪里买啊 大概多少钱? 一题英语完形填空,关于other和the other的用法,急,If you are followed by a stranger,cross the street and go in the other direction(方向),let the stranger know that you know he or she is there.Next go and get help from ____if it necess 五年级作文二十年后回故乡怎么写了 五年级的第二单元的作文二十年后回故乡怎么写呀?400字以上的 ___the workers are very tired,they are still working very hard.A.but B,if C.though D.when 为什么不是C? usually are they very after class tired连词成句 我帮一位不会说英语的售货员卖出了一双鞋给外国人的英语作文我今天帮一位不会说英语的外国人卖出了一双鞋给一个外国人.写一篇80字左右的英语作文. 英语翻译我在和一个外国人聊天,我想向他说几句话,希望有英语好的朋友能够帮帮我我想对他说:1.因为我们两个地方有时差,所以我们这边是白天的时候,你们那里是黑夜2.一开始我没有注意 英语翻译翻译整句.有道?谷歌?还是.哪种是比较方便快速的翻译工具,感觉有的中英相互翻译得不对啊 我想问下六级备考买什么听力书阅读书还有词汇书好些.