
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 12:29:04
西班牙语的R怎么发出声音我知道怎么舌头颤动,我就想问舌头颤动了怎么发出R的音啊,我一想发声就想咬舌头,一咬舌头就没声音. (1)How many daye are there in a week?(2)How many days are there in a year?用英文回答 已知a=-(-12)b=-7的绝对值,c=-(-19的绝对值--8的绝对值)求a+-c的绝对值-b的绝对值 take的反义词是什么?急!急!急!急! take的反义词是什么 thank,is,you,right,that,all连词成句 极昼极夜出现的原因不要一大堆话,抄袭的也不要,要正确.要让人看了就明白 take 的反义词 请问英语语言学 这样画这个句子的树形图正确吗 I believe that he is right. He was not sure that his manager's answer was right句子成分分析这是宾语从句? 夜来香为什么叫做夜来香拜托了各位 i believe that that that that that student says is right.请翻译一遍,顺便补充说明5个that在句中有什么用?表说是“我相信那个那个那个那个那个学生说的是对的...会雷到我... 为什么大家要黑晚香玉?求晚香玉事迹,我想知道她做过什么事?都回的什么乱七八糟的,我再加50分,谁能好好回答? 请问西班牙语中的r和rr音怎么发? 描写山或者建筑物的四字词语 什么的花粉是靠风力传播的 Does she teach English?does换is 行吗,为什么 照样子写一写 Does she teach English?No,照样子写一写 Does she teach English?No,she doesn't.Does she teach math?Yes,she does.1.he,live in the city,live in the country 四句 求知这是什么植物 长于小溪边 英文 TAKEN(过去分词) 看见这句" A few interview photo’s taken during that time!"TAKEN(过去分词) 不是一定要连著had/have 为什么 这没有? taken for a ride(中译英,大家帮我看看哪写错了?)Monday November 8,2010 Cloudy 15-20 degree CelsiusI like traveling in the country,but I wouldn’t like to lose my way.I took a short ride recently,but it spent me longer time than I expected 夜来香是什么季节开的 夜来香要怎么养殖? 夜来香冬天怎么养一年开几次花 急 我看我家的都快死了 怎么办啊 试分析高山矮态形成的原因、干旱地区植物矮小的原因 印度洋南部某岛屿上经常刮暴风,那儿植物矮小,用达尔文观点解释 印度洋南部的一个岛屿上经常刮风,那里生长的植物矮小,有的贴着地面生长.用达尔文进化论观点解释.樱樱感激不尽! Mr wang does what he can to help us improve our English为什么用to 1.Mr Wang _______us English next term A.teaches B.teach C.is teaching D.is gong to teach2.Grandpa has two daughters. One works in Beijin, and ______studies in Shanghai.A.the other B.another C.other D.the others3.You ___ come here early tomorrow.A.don Are you speak English 哪里错了 Does jack likes playing basketball 哪里错了 Mr wu teach us english 为什么Does Mr Black teach us English?用us不用our? Was your teacher angry yesterday?