
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:52:05
ex the premises是什么意思Products shall be transported ex the supplier's premises经销协议里面的一句话! There is a kitchen on the premises什么意思? keeping cash on the premises is a security premise具体是指什么 no cash is held on the premises.请问后边的on the premises是什么意思 借端生事,企图引起冲突或麻烦的词语. 引起事故,闹事.是什么词语? 杂技“顶杆”表演,一人站在地上,肩上扛一质量为M的竖直竹竿,当竿上一质量为m的人以加速度a加速下滑时杆对下面的人压力的大小 自然课上,大家以小组为单位做实验,可丁强同学却在一边做小动作,如果你和他是同 英语翻译I pushed a pale .unwilling jenny onto the school bus. 从30m高的楼顶处,以5m/s的初速度竖直下抛一个小球,求经多长时间小球落地?落地时速度多大?(g取10m/s2) 急求求世界各地名贵的玫瑰花品种和简介,如保加利亚大马士革、法国白玫瑰、绿玫瑰等,需要8-10种,资料内容包括品种名、原产地、品种特征等; 形容所希望的事情,完全达到的词语是什么 渴望的事成为现实是指哪个词语? 不是及物动词后面要跟宾格吗,think是及物动词.I think they are great.为什么they 不用宾格呢? 一只猫和一只耗子在一个直径是100m的圆周上的同一个地点向相反方向运动,猫每分钟跑18.84m,耗子每分钟跑12.56m.当猫和耗子再次相遇时,猫比耗子多走了多少m? 不平等的看待是什么词语?借端生事,想要引起冲突.是什么词语? they support the cables from which the bridge has been suspended.这句话中from是什么意思 The starting point of an utterance which is known in the given situation and from which the speakerthe starting point of an utterance which is known in the given situation and from which the speaker proceeds is named t_____? Bread tastes (nice) with jam.(划线提问) Tastes jam with bread nice 连成句子 I promiss to godness,I will never hurt myself 翻译 I am scared l will hurt Will she accept me,how can i express myself? You will a luays know she's really hurt if she's ignoring you 左边是木,右边是勺,这个字怎么读? but my eyes couldnt division all the colours of love and of life ever more ever more这是一句歌词,division这里做动词还是名词,ever more ever of love and of life 能不能直接写成of love and life 左足右庶,这个字读什么音?是骨骼的一部分,位置在脚部,相对于手掌的地方就是掌骨,在足部应该怎么叫这几块骨头啊?那个字儿不认识 can you tell me?whose backpack is that?合并成一句我的答案can you tell me whose that backpack is我做的答案是错的,我认为宾语从句的从句应该是陈述句子才用的that backpack is 正确答案是can you tell me whose backpac 合并句子题!can you tell me whose backpack is that?can you tell me?whose backpack is black?怎么分析出来的第一句是对表语提问,第二句是对主语的定语进行的提问?因为分析不好所以不会合并第一句.我知道宾 镜子里的自己和别人看到的真的不同吗?如果是那人们为什么还要照镜子? 动物很可爱极了,可惜家里不能养,为什么大人不喜欢小动物呢?讨厌~ 背影 聪明一词表现了我怎样的情感?