
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:12:17
we have a speech contest in each year.找错误并改正 Jack,you ought to have come earlier this moring .The class was important._________,but i got up lat答案有四个:A so i should B so should I C so I did D so I have请问填哪个? I wouldn have come earlier but i ___I would have come earlier but i ___that you were waiting.A.didn't know B.wouldn't knowC.hadn't known D.haven't known选择哪个?为什么? 英语翻译Moonlight Flower Come with me in the silence of darkness I want to show you secrets of lifeI will guide you where dreams could''t take you She seldom flew away in the night You''re the moonlight flower You''re the voice of the night.When i live in china和i have lived china的区别不知道一般现在时和现在完成时的具体差别,另外可否结合上面两个句子解释一下什么情况下用哪个, They have been waited for twenty minutes.这个句子中有一处错误,请指出并改正我还没学现在完成时, We have alredy waited here for 15 minutes什么意义 We usually have a ________rest between classes A、ten minutes' B、ten-minuteWe usually have a ________rest between classesA、ten minutes' B、ten-minute选哪一个?我认为两个都可以,不过是单选题.PS 不要误人子弟哦#^_^# l look out out of look out of 如何使用? 凌晨的意思 XX贸易有限公司英文怎么说 如题 “XX房地产有限公司”用英文怎么说啊,急~~~~ Mr.Green and his wife __(live) in London for a few years before they came to work in China in 2001能否用had been live不是持续动词 this weekend,weekend不是可数名词吗?为什么在这不用复数?而on后要用weekends? mrs green is live in london now这句话对吗 this后加单数还是复数 People live in London are often lonely,e______after work.lonely(寂寞)的 丝绸之路是古代横贯什么的通道 You can come over to my house___any time.___里面要填什么词? on the weekend的weekend可以写成复数形式吗请写出具体的原因—— “每个双休日”中weekend该用复数吗?"every weekend"or"every weekends" 怎样才能做到上课专心听讲? 翻译一下The best part of what has happened was the part i must have missed What is the best part?(英语作业本上的,文中相关句子是——The best thing about the film is the part where the ship is sinking(沉没).What is the best part?这回答怎么组织? 有谁可以帮我起个英文名,女生,中文名Yang qing zhi,最好与我的中文名是谐音的, 中文名转英文名 zhou zhen ju 这个名字怎么换成英文名 要跟我名字的音差不多的. 谢谢.! 帮我起个英文名.中文名是liang xin 女名 不要那种太常用的英文名.比较有涵义的 谢谢 “讨厌”用英语怎么讲she doesn't like dancing.doesn't like画横线,把 doesn't like 换一种说法,其意思不变.换的词只能为一个单词,不可为词组. 不喜欢 英语怎么讲 我讨厌浪漫用英语怎么讲? 开始讨厌镜头 英文怎么讲