
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 16:09:46
It's said that America is a country on wheels.怎么翻译? 怎样形容短发女生 如何形容藏族女生 如何用英语形容美女 是不是It is said that +did Sb+did+that + had done? sb said 和 said sb用法区别“it is a nice day”said Ann.“it is a nice day”Ann said. tell sb that 中的that可以省略吗 Tom is only six,but he always makes the bed by h____. 光的传播、急用.请利用以下给出的器材:蚊香,气雾清新剂、激光手电、火柴等设计一个试验、探究光在同种均匀介质中是如何传播(1)探究课题:(2)猜想呵假设:(3)设计实验:①主 无论受到多少挫折都不退缩,形容意志坚强 无论受多少挫折都不退缩,形容意志坚强.写成语! 不管经受多少挫折,绝不屈服,退缩形容意志坚强刚毅.写成四字成语 求死亡证明样本 死亡证明样本 求 房产委托公证书丢失 委托人已经死亡 怎么补办委托公证书原房主是我爷爷 但是之前因为爷爷身体不好 就委托给了我妈帮着办理房产过户手续(我走的是房屋买卖不是继承) 房产证现在已 首字母填单词 What kind of p____ is he 回答:He is quite lazy and always taiks a lot. i am sorry to trouble you.i need your help .Af-ter i got home ,i found that my English book wasn it in my backpack and i took s wrong book .i think it must be Tracy is book,because her name is on it第二段 i think my English book might be on your d She is a lazy girl,she sleeps _______(always) I'm sorry to trouble you ,miss hu.翻译. yangyang is a_____boy.he always sleeps for more than 12 hours .A.creative B.funny C.lazy D.clever A:I am very sorry to trouble you.But I really need your help.B:( )what can I do for you?1、It is all right.2、Don’t mention it大家帮我看看括号选哪一个 还有区别 He is very lazy .He always enjoys ___ in the bedroom and does nothing.0A.lie B.lying C.to lie D.lieing I'm sorry you are having trouble in making friends的英文翻译是,sorry的意思是什么? 翻译:you might first say,“l'm sorry to trouble you ” 胡润受多少挫折都不退缩形容意志坚强 I really am sorry跟I am really sorry有什么区别 I'm really sorry ____(hear) thathear在这该添什么? I was really anxious about you.I am terribly sorry.I( )home without a wordmust not leave shoulde not have left could have left need have left 原因! 没学历,怎么能有英语翻译证 take over有哪些意思take over除了接管还有什么意思? 欧洲联盟成立是在哪年 光的传播假如说:我在地球上发出一束光,时间只有10秒,若它永远不会遇到障碍物,那他能传播多远?是只有10秒?还是到达宇宙的尽头?或者说:一颗恒星距离地球100光年,咱们现在看见的光是它