
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:53:02
一些有关英语单选的问题(为什么这么选)1.sam insisted that he __D__the law and ____.A.didn't break;mustn't be punished B.doesn't break; shouldn't punishC.hadn't broken; be not punished D.hadn't broken;not be punished2.__D__our earth,or 初一英语上册1~6单元所有的可数名词、不可数名词、既可以可数又可以当做不可数的名词要详细点的,不准有遗漏哦, 单词中的可数名词和不可数名词有哪些定义 国家不强盛落后就挨打,历史早已给了我们深刻的教训……根据你所了解的历史知识说说你对这句话的理解和认 国家不强盛,落后就要挨打历史已经给了我们深刻的教训.根据你所了解的历史知识说说你对这句话的认识和理解 国家不强盛,落后就挨打,历史早已给了我们深刻的教训……根据你所了解的历史知识说说你对这句话的认识和理解. 根据你了解的历史知识谈谈你对“国家不胜强,落后就挨打理解”的认识只要两句话就行了,要根据你了解的历史知识!(*^__^*) 形容声音的词语有哪些? 形容声音的词语有什么?你说给我听听 形容声音 词语哗哗 隆隆 叮叮 1、——Why does the lake smell terrible?——Because large quantities of water ____.A.have polluted B.is being polluted C.has been polluted D.have been polluted2、According to the literary review,Shakespeare ____ his characters live through thei 2题英语单选1.I _____ in this school for nearly three years.A.has studiedB.has been studiedC.have studiedD.had studied2.The number of students ______ growing up.And a large number of students _______ hard than before.A.are,studyB.are,studiesC.is, 两题英语单选( )We usually have ____lunch before __________half past twelve.A/,/ B /,the C a,a D the,/()I have _________friends in that school.A no other B not other C any other D no another详解= = -Why are you stll in the toy company?-We have already got a spoken agreement from them;_________,we have to wait for something in writing.A.wherever B.however C.whatever D.whoever(B or C )Only by shouting _________ able to make people on the other si 英语单选题目216.“Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?”“What is ______ tonight?”A.in B.off C.on D.at17.When we heard the news,we couldn’t help ______.A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughed D.laughing18.Which is more difficult,chem 怎么比较铜和金铜的硬度如果将金铜在铜上划有痕迹能比较吗? 硬度大于铜,浅金黄色的金属是什么? 初一英语的不可数名词有哪些?50多个就看可以了~英语和中文都要写~囧囧囧乐儿~ 分类可数名词、不可数名词、可数又不可数名词,快疯了……求解救…… 选出可数与不可数名词pear,broccoli,egg,chicken,quilt,pen,ice,star,picture,girl,question,cream1.可数名词:2.不可数名词: “国家不强盛,落后就要挨打历史已经给了我们深刻的教训”结合历史,这句话什么意思?写的简单易懂些,不要长篇大论. 形容女人声音的词 形容声音很大的词 This kind of beverage tastes ____a.well b.nice c.deliciously d.badly-I feel very happy that i __to be the host.-Congratulations!a.choose b.am chosenc.was chosen d.have chosenShe ____ sing this song all the time,so she must like it very mucha.is heard 几道英语单选问题1.I'll go to _____ second floor to ask _____ second time A.the;the B.a:the C.the;a D.a;a2.My aunt was always busy.She had little time to spend ______ her family A.;for B.with C.by D.at3.I'm sorry you 've m The audience____told it shouldn’t applaud until the endof a piece of music.A.was B.were为什么要选A呀,The audience不是听众的意思么 该用复数才对嘛Whisky and soda(is)always my favourite drink.为什么用is不用are?Whisky and Nob 几道单选He will be __ to turn __her for help.They are not even on speaking terms.A.the last; B.the last person;to C.a last person;on D.the last person;on为什么不选A呢?不好意思 A选项少了一个to 国家不强盛,落后就挨打的含义是什么?国家不强盛,落后就挨打,历史早已给了我们深刻的教训……根据你所了解的历史知识说说你对这句话的认识和理解.写2~4行的理解就行了, 用什么词来形容男生的温柔? 形容温柔的男人词语 1822年,德国地质家摩斯提出用十种矿物做标准,衡量矿物的相对硬度,这就是什么 谈谈你们挨打的经历