
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 16:01:55
of all the students,jack spent___time and made the fewest mistakes in the test A little B lessC least D the least The results of the exam___ That you have all made.The results of the exam___ That you have all made great progress.横线上为什么填shows呢.考试的结果,为什么不是单数? _______have konwn the results of the examinations 这句中The report shows (that) we are making some progress but that we need to make great effort.为什么其中第一个that可省而第二个不可省呢? _______have konwn the results of the examinations一道英语难题(详解啊)A It seemed toB It seemed to him toC He seemed that heD He seemed to还有一个问题19.–Could you tell me the way to ____ Johnsons,please?--Sorry,we don’t have __ The results of the survey made fascinating reading这句话是什么结构?reading为什么放在句末? 怀孕经常做梦梦到蛇?有时候梦到狠多蛇,各种各样的蛇,但在梦里从来不攻击我.狠友好的样子,昨天晚上又梦到二条狠大狠长的蛇, make progress in和make progress with有什么区别我们老师说make progress with是正确常规用法,意思不是借助某东西取得进步,那两者有什么区别 the students ------dinners with their teachers before they leave school.a.are having b.had c.have 梦见房子拆迁,地上好多蛇啊!昨天做了一个梦,梦见家以前住的小区房子全是一片瓦砾,那个小区很大很大,我在小区的边上道路上一直跑,看到了地上有一种淡淡的粉红色和白色相间的螺纹状的 美联国际英语好吗?学费怎么样啊? 你喜欢哪一类电影 用英语怎么说 你弟弟喜欢什么类型的电影用英语怎么说 美联英语 价格高么?性价比如何? 华尔街英语 英孚英语 还有什么环球美联英语价格是大概什么水平听说华尔街英语是按级别来,大概七八个级别多少钱?英孚是怎么算的?一年大概多少钱?其他的呢?(北京地区) 地区不同价格 都说美联英语好,是用什么教学的? 开封美联国际英语听朋友说一个 美联国际英语,在哪里啊,谁能说下电话啊,我听别人说那里教学比较负责,环境也好,还有外教,想去问问 ⒈世界货币用英语怎么说?⒉一段话介绍下世界货币.引子的感觉.不用举例.就用一般的句子.如:there aremany kinds of money in the world.100字左右. 驾车旅行de 英语怎么说RT或者是 驾车兜风 粉红用英语怎么说? 她不得不留在家里用英语怎么说用 be going to do 的句型写 粉红的英语怎么说? 留在家里用英语怎么说 英文 MADE IN VIETNAM ... -You have made great progress in English.-______.That's why I got an A in the English exam.A.So I have B.So have I C.So I do D.So do I 求讲解 问一首英文男声的歌 歌词中反复出现i still love you ,even though you make me s...问一首英文男声的歌 歌词中反复出现i still love you ,even though you make me sad ,even though you broke my heart,请问叫什么? 粉红色的天空英语怎么说 妈妈每月工资是1200元,我们家每月开支大约要占爸爸工资的4分之3,那么我们家每月开支大约占家庭总收入的几分之几? 小明家12月份支出1200元,占父母工资总收入的4/5,已知爸爸的工资是1500,妈妈的工资是多少元?(l 粉色的礼服.【用英语怎么说】 1:work hard and you will make progress in english.为什么用work而不用working?2:what/whish club do you like?选哪一个?3:may/can i know your name?有什么区别?4:what else/other do you want?怎么区别啊?5:by ten at 6:they can pl ----hard and you'll make progress{进步]in English.A.work B.working C.to work选哪个?为什么下面还有Why not go to Beijing on May Day?I'm afraid it'snot a good----.I have been there several times.A.place B.advice C.idea选什么?为什么?翻