
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 11:31:00
德语句子问题1,Deutschland ist für fast alle Länder der wichtigste Handelspartner.我想知道这里的der wichtigste Handelspartner 是G 请帮我分析以下句子结构 2,Deutsch ist die Sprache Goethes,Nietsches und Kafkas,von Mozart,B "I listen to the music every day."的被动句是什么? 德语的第三格使用疑问例句:Abends essen Peter und Hans meistens zu Hause.Dann geht Peter wieder zur Universtitat.为什么一会儿用zu一会儿用zur?Hause的词性不用带吗 英语填空:I have a f___(偏好)for music.I listen to it every day. The fat man( )keep exercising. 我总想认真读书,可种是集中不了精神,这是为什么? The postman noticed that two men,carring______looked like guns,enterd the bank这里面为什么不可以填写 something把looked like guns 看做是something的后置定语不就可以了吗 为什么一定是要让他做句子的主语那 The postman noticed that two men,carrying_____looked like guns,entered the bank横线上用something让looked like guns做它的定语为什么不行 什么是助动词 look和listen不是不及物动词吗?为什么能有被动语态? One Love ,One Smile 歌词 同仇敌忾 励精图治 披荆斩棘 前仆后继 读这些词语,你感受到了什么?sorry,是想到了什么。 同仇敌忾,励精图治,披荆斩棘,前仆后仰你想到什么 我们不会把这个秘密说出去的.(keep one‘s secret to oneself ) 同仇敌忾,临危不惧,前仆后继,力挽狂澜,中流砥柱,大义凛然,豪情壮志,披荆斩棘,奋发图强,励精图治,众志成城,舍生取义,任重道远,再接再厉的意思是什么? the European Council 与the Council of Eurapean 的区别并请详细介绍European Council Official Journal of the European Union C 83/47 要怎么翻译 请问the National Council of the Union of Burma. Brussels,the capital of Belgium,is---hometo the European Union,----organizat单选Athe an B不填 an C a,the D不填 不填 The park is cleean and beautiful.对cleean and beautiful提问 the director of the National Economic Council是什么意思? Federation and two ministries of the State Council later this month 里面的later怎么解释?可是这句话没有动词啊,这是一句话.谢谢 THE PARK IS LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL是什么意思 The volunteers here seemed to appreciate the silent effort to recognize them.这 段英语怎么翻译 壮士不死则已,死即举大名耳,王侯将相宁有种乎?主要含义是什么? 八上英语课时特训第9单元的答案马上求 I show want to talent my 怎样组成句 want,to,I,that,see,jacket,组成一句话. Lucy is writing as ____(careful) as Lily 根据例子,把下列句子改成if引导的条件状语从句.Example:Sue lay in the sun all day and got sunburnt.You would lie in the sun all day,so you can’t complain if you got sunburnt!6.Sally took a day off without permission.She was fired.7 if引导的条件状语从句 句子 及汉语 I did not buy the apple;she gave them to me ___nothing A.with B.for C at D by希望英语好的人帮帮忙,