
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:54:42
M={θ丨sinθ≥1/2,0 解指数方程 怎么解4^(2x)-2^(2x+2)+3<0的解集 过氧乙酸见光或受热分解时.能生成一种常见的气体单质和醋酸,该反应符号表达式 两种单质点燃生成化合物的表达式两种不同元素的原子.这两种元素分别组成的单质 英语翻译Most parents love the Internet and want their kids to use it.But a new survey in America finds almost as many also fear the online world — especially social networking sites such as MySpace — and worry their kids will get in trouble w 英语翻译Shakespeare said,\'journeys end in lovers meeting\'.What an extraordinary thought!Personally,I have not experienced anything remotely close to that,but I\'m more than willing to believe Shakespeare had.It was Shakespeare who also said,\'l 英语翻译Do you like twilight?:)I think that they are very good movies but i love scary movies!:)and if you were able to fly to australia in time it would be fun!:PMaybe one day I will afford to be able to travel to different counties including yo 英语翻译乐队:Interpol 歌名:Obstacle 1I wish I could eat the salt off of your lost faded lipsWe can cap the old times make playing only logical harmWe can cap the old lines make playing that nothing else will changeBut she can read,she can rea 请求翻译一下 怎样证明化合物中含有碳和氢元素 请问,组成化合物最多的元素是碳还是氢? 碳(C),钾(K),氢(H),有什么化合物?有没有就这个顺序的?(CKH) 碳和氢生成比例为1:1的化合物种类 英语翻译I mean,it's not someone will get used to it,it's kind of dependence..And this is too bad..And of course I do really not want to be part of that kind of people.I don't wanna say it in Chinese because I'm not really comfortable with it.Mayb 英语翻译 英语翻译The FiascoIn the beginning,he wanted to ride the political wave.Given his cowardice,he pulled out and switched to cultural exchanges,as expected.Then,as if the cultures were not grandiose enough,the gay rights kicked in.Somewhere in betwe 用波浪线画出每组中搭配不当的短语,并在横线上加以改正.1.极端自豪 分辨不清 处理事件 约定俗成2.对付进攻 理由充分 封锁消息 热情欢呼3.研制潜艇 特征显著 眺望地面 吐字清晰 用中文解释以下几个单词1.classmates2.same ciass3.different ciass 用by doing some of 造句,并翻译句子 谁有赞颂母亲的文章? 已知勒让德多项式证明勒让德微分方程已知勒让德多项式,要求证明勒让德微分方程,现阶段只学了函数导数,这是高阶导数的一题,可不可以不用任何微积分的知识证明? 说明多项式x的平方+2mx+2m的平方+1的值恒大于0 一个是有关勒让德多项式的,一个是平方误差和傅里叶级数有关的,我算了很多遍,都没有算对,答案方法是Pn(x)求两次导数,再求n阶导数,但我始终算不对,而且题目等式中右边的P(x)应该是Pn 多项式的证明 急啊~~~~~~~多项式X平方+Y平方+X平方Y平方-6XY+5,无论X,Y为何值时,此多项式不含负数,赞同此观点的话,说明理由 请把此段程序注释一下 漯河临颍现在房价多少?急,回答合理分必给想在老家买房,老乡们来帮帮忙 高分求英雄联盟激活码~能用必给分,不给死全家 今天比昨天快乐成熟坚强,用英文怎么说 《智子疑邻》全文拼音《塞翁失马》全文拼音…急! 第一个必给分 形容词,什么的仪式 必须带有(严)字 ( )的鲜花 3个字的形容词应该怎么填