
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:44:15
自然老师出了道题:人类是怎样进化的?难道是跟动物跟昆虫差不多?不过准确点好像又不对!嘻嘻…… 物理磁现象 将2个小钉子吸在磁体的南极上,问小钉子下端是自然下垂还是排斥或吸引 噪声是有害的,科学家想了……为什么可以减弱噪声 一个四边形的三个内角度数依次如下,那么其中是平行四边形的是( )A.88°,108°,88° B.88°,104°,108° C.88°,92°,92° D.108°,72°,108° 一个四边形的三个内角的度数依次如下,其中是平行四边形的是.a:88度108度88度度D88度92度88度 I couldn't find my pen anywhere的同义句I could ( ) my pen ( ).十万火急 He couldn't find the key in the park last night.So he will come to the park____this afternoon.(at last,again,at first)说出方法并解答. If you park your car in the wrong place,a traffic policeman will soon find it ,You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.However,this does not always happen.Traffic police are sometimes very polite.During a holiday in Sweden,I found t I tried to repair the car myself but couldn't find out what was wrong with the engine. I couldn't find my dog +anywhere 还是some where? 北方的太阳比南方的太阳有什么特别的地方? 辩论题:用成败论英雄可不可取我要的是可取的材料,请知道的大哥大姐们帮帮忙,{正方是说可取的} 左边火字 右边扁念什么? 一个字的长度通常是多少? 怎么在ps中测量一个字的大小 the police help( )to find( )car.用we怎么填 Dogs help the police find_____people.(miss).用所给词的适当形式填空 help the woman _________the police car.1.in.2.into.3.get in.4.get.to They help the police to catch robbers and find lost people find lost people为什么是过去是不是完成时丢失的人不是对现在有影响吗?而且过去是不是已经结束了的意思吗?过去丢失的人没结束呀? 那片绿绿的爬山虎有两处具体描写叶老院子里满墙的爬山虎,这样写的好处是什么? 在语文老师、数学老师、科学老师、英语老师、历史老师、体育老师、物理老师的口里“水”分别是什么? 那片绿绿的爬山虎文中描写了叶老家院子里满墙的爬山虎,表达了作者什么的心情 求四段感谢老师的话语,大概100字左右,分别是给语,数,体育老师的.具体就是写xx老师你为我们xx样,我们xx样,xx样感谢一类的,不要太幼稚,好的话还会加分. 想问下有没有厉害的物理老师, 小大小 上下结构的读什么上下结构的 求拼音 已知关于x的不等式ax^2+x+1 被除数与除数和为320,商是7,被除数和除数各是几? 被除数与除数的和为320,商是7,被除数和除数分别是( )和( The car ran down the hill,and the driver_,according to the newspaper,to have been killed.said,was saying,was said ,had been said选哪个 John,we have a___found my car.we will send it to your home soon.Iwas quiet h___to hear the news."Thank you very much."I a___ on the phone. He found ___ very difficult to drive a car.A.him B.it is C.it D.thatHe found ___ very difficult to drive a car.A.him B.it is C.it D.that答案给的是C,但我想知道这里为什么不是用“it is + adj.+ to do sth.”句型呢?还有it在这里 适当形式填空 I have the---- to drive a car nowI have the---- to drive a car now ,it also means Iam---- to driver now,buti was to dive a car when i was--- five years old(able)