
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:14:06
1.--Excuse me.May I interrupt you for a moment?1.--Excuse me .May I interrupt you for a moment?---________ ,John?--- I am sorry,Mr Baker .When I hurried to school ,I left my homework at home.A.What's on B.What's up C.What is it D.What do you want excuse me for 意思1.excuse me for ...意思2.请你出去 / 请你先出去 英语怎么说.语气不要很强烈.go out 语气是不是,没有get out强烈。尽管都是 出去 的意思。 用适当的介词补全句子.1.You must listen( )you teacher.2.I think it's fun to walk( )the moon. excuse us for a Excuse me for_____in without______.A coming.askingB coming.being asked说明理由, 如何培养个人爱好 and they're from all over 来自世界各地 from在这句话里指什么 over在这句话指里什么they're re是什么 同义句there are over a hundred places of interest from all over the world如题 甲乙两个人在河边钓鱼,甲钓了5条,乙钓了四条,这时,来了个路人,也要吃鱼,但她没钓,他给了甲乙1.8元↓甲乙各分多少钱合理? 这是什么歌?歌词开头是I know it's over.looking my life .just looking my world.大概就是这样的,其他词我就听不出来了.慢歌,是个女的唱的.在数字电视以前的美食频道广告时有放过这首歌,当背景音乐, my life is a mess and I don't know how to handle it什么意思 按树的作用 it's too late for school,i don't know---------.A.what to do B how to do it.it's too late for school,i don't know---------.A.what to do B how to do it. The rain is < > heavy < > you will get all wet if you go out. The rain-----(not stop)yet.You'd better not go out. Do not go out because it's raining outside.的同义句You____go out____ ____ the rain outside. It's raining.You want to go out.but not in the rain.请问这里的but not 怎么理解呢?有点疑问,后半句理解为:别淋雨?但不是在下雨天?哪个是正确的呢? The boy ___ ___ ___ _____(承诺不再迟到)Late for school again if you see Beijing Opera,you can learn a l___ about Chinese culturexiexie 这些单词的复数是什么?boy、potato、knife、bus、ferry、half、box、sheep、child、man、German、chinese、zoo、class的复数是什么? Welecome to me Chinese Culture Club.You can learn Chinese painting and beijing opera here.英译中 I left my keys in the room,so Ihad to get in rhe room t_____the wundow yesterday day. -I left my keys in the room yesterday.I had to get in( )the window.-It's dangerous to do that.a.in b.through c.over d.to His father left his keys in the house,so he had to climb in ____ the window.A from B cross C across D through这题我明白为什么选D不选B C 但是不明白为什么不选A 某些单词复数的一些问题如:居民们的,是不是residents's?感觉好奇怪 阳光通过窗口照到教室内 竖直窗框在地面上留下2.1m长的影子 如图 已知窗框的影子DE到窗下墙角的距离CE阳光通过窗口照到教室内 竖直窗框在地面上留下2.1m长的影子 如图 已知窗框的影子DE There are only fiveminutes ( )leave括号里为什么填Left They'd like some eggs.eggs划线提问1 英语..have 的用法1.--Sorry,Rebecoa,I'm too busy ,for I have a long report(B).--That's OK.I'll ask Mary to do me a favor.A.typed B.to type C.be typed D.typing2.Today,no matter whether you are male or female ,you have (B)lots of pressure.A.underta have的用法they would have the man----if they thought it necessaryA.to be followed B.to follow C.following D.followed请问有没有have sb to do? Beijing Opera (s )Chinese culture首字母填空 beijing is the (c )of politics and culture in china