
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 09:06:50
That day I will tell you the reason fo doing thatThat day I will tell you the reason fo doing that Can you tell me ______?—By doing more speaking.A.how I will improve my English B.which way can I chooseC.how do I deal with my English D.what’s wrong with my English 已知甲数× 1.3 等于乙数×2.7且甲乙两数都不等于0那么甲数与乙数相比谁大 二十年后回家乡作文 Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is?是不是非限制性定语从句? 低调什么意思说简单点 牛津版八年级上英语U2词组表快 一定要是牛津的! 急求词组英文翻译(牛津7A水平)把...与...作比较轮流做...以及hope和wish的用法(多种) 音乐巨人贝多芬倒数第二段中末尾连用两个感叹号,有什么作用? 13音乐巨人贝多芬 末尾连用两个感叹号有什么作用? 音乐巨人贝多芬 第26自然段连用两个感叹号有什么作用 甲数是1/4的1/3,乙数的1/4是1/3(甲乙均不为0).那么谁大于谁 新目标九年级英语作文U1 Section4 Go For Which way of dealing with problems do you think is the best?Write about a time when you dealt with a problem that way字数80左右即可…… 甲乙的钱数比为3:1,甲给乙0.06元后,甲乙的钱数比为2:1,求甲乙共有多少元? Section 4 Go For It!新目标!下册 ,U nit 7.Think of a time you saw someone breaking a rule of etiquette.You may have seen someone spitting,slamming doors,or talking loudly on a mobile phone.Write a letter of complaint to your local newspaper.想 71.It is still a question __we shall have our sports meet.A.ifB.thatC.whatD.when【为啥不选B?...答案是D】 ______they will have the sports meet is still a question填什么详细解释为什么不可以用that呢 when we begin to question assumptions and challenge what we think we have learned from our pastchallenge后接what 引导宾语从句 这里不懂了 what 在 we think 中做宾语并且引导这个句子 那么we have.难道它又做think的宾语 文言文个别字词解释人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?与朋友交而不信乎,死而后已,奂山山市, Do you have enough book to read No,I think we need ___books.A.another two B.other two C.two another D.two others We have _____ books to read every year.A.three hundredB.three hundred ofC.three hundredsD.three hundreds ofIn China,bikes and buses are two popular _____ of tranaportation.A.partsB.kindsC.thingsD.subjects 甲数比乙数的2倍多5,乙数的小数点移动一位后是0.5,甲·乙两数各是多少? 单词填空 Our math teacher is very s__________ about his work. Do you know?i wait for you I'm waiting for,I don't know whether you wait 这句话有没有错, you,do,play,often,football 连词成句you,do,play,often,football 连词成句 将often play i football sunday on连词成句 有一首歌,其中高潮部分的歌词是"I'll be waiting for you".有一首歌,其中高潮部分的歌词是"I'll be waiting for you",是女声唱的,我不确认是否玛丽亚-凯莉唱的,请知道的帮个忙告诉一声歌名哈! 英语翻译1Yes,you are mess.2The six animals below are now fancing extinction. 第一题:His last name is White.(改为同义句)His_____ ______ is White.第二题:His phone number is 245--7644.(改为成一般疑问句)________his________ ________245--7644?第三题:Her phone number is 234--6755.(对划线部分提 求五年级语文上册第七·八单元试卷答案, 一问号加一感叹号放在一起,