
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 07:16:01
we (not see) the film last night给括号内的单词选择适当形式 Young the Giant的《Apartment》 歌词 朱熹《劝学诗》 此诗表达了作者的怎样的思想感情? 杰出爱国人物的事迹 如果数列{an}的前n项和Sn=n平方-1,则a4等于? 数列{an}的前n项和Sn=4n^2-n-n则A4= 1.不用特别详细.就是crazy应该和in 还是about搭配.2.Dashan can speak Chinese very well because he _____ China for many years.A.has been to B.has been in C.has come to D.has gone toC和D被我排除了,因为瞬间动词.但是我没有 六年级上伴你成长第五单元测试中的藏羚羊跪拜的答案急啊!以藏羚羊跪拜为题有什么作用?第五六段中写老猎人两次颤抖的语境意义?第三单种为什么不写老猎人名字,有何用意?体会两组句子 鲁迅的事迹,急用! 乙知M=√2十√7,N=√3+√6,比较m,n的大小 (m-n)^7/(n-m)^6+(-n-m)^3/(m+n)^2急用! 鲁迅的事例 " I T "啥意思? I=Q/T啥意思 怎么算 单位是什么 细点哈 tāo t iè怎么写?tāo t iè怎么写?找了半天没找着,据说挺难写的,本人初二…… I don`t know啥意思啊啥意思啊I don`t know 桃花源记》描绘了一幅( )的生活图景 藏羚羊跪拜 给老猎人写一封信,500字左右,快, 要考高一所有英语书,请问英语要怎么复习? Have you got anything to wear?No,I haven't got anything to wear,I've got nothing to wearWhat about Penny?求翻译 Have you got anything to 选项A to open the box B open the box with C to open the box with D open the box Have you got anything to read?你有什么可以读的No,I haven't got anything to read没,我没有什么可以读的I've got nothing to read我没有可以读的What about Alan?艾伦怎么了请帮我看看有没有错,He's something to read他有 关于sort of 的用法 请教今天看文章,里面有两个句子都提到了sort of.第一句:I was wondering if sort of fit what we learned about muscle cells.第二句:My friend and I stopped to talk to them, and it turn out that one of the 请帮我用sort of thing 造个句子 我想知道他的用法 stupid怎么读? "Stupid"怎么读? sort of 什么用法?He is an easy-going,friendly young man with a ______ sort of attitude towards money.A.casual B.greedy C.careful D.serious 用六年级下学期第五单元日积月累造句子.急!百炼成钢、发愤图强、坚持不懈、迎难而上、集思广益、群策群力、革故鼎新、标新立异、独出心裁、举一反三、实事求是、各抒己见、不耻下 英语person怎么读 in each and every one of them这句话对吗 “敬廉崇洁 诚信守法”的故事