
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 16:44:36
as we deal with the problems the vehicles cause instead of giving up the vehicles It isn't kind_____a person who is in trouble.用laugh at怎么填 he is not any trouble trouble kind words can be short and easy to speak为什么是to speak,而不是to be spoken? Taking care of siblings can also be a kind of hobby?什么意思? 天才梦最后一句赏析生命是一袭华美的袍,爬满了蚤子.谈谈你对这句话的理解。 【英语考试】 ______ you or he the teacher of English? A. Are, B. Is说明为什么?还有and在疑问句里是变or吗?参考资料给下 张爱玲在《天才梦》里 古怪和天才的关系是什么?求分析! 天才梦 采用了怎样的叙述笔调?试举两例 为什么做dna鉴定要那么长时间?看到新闻里面说做dna鉴定要用5天时间,为什么会要这么长时间啊? 鉴别亲属关系做DNA检测多长时间有结果DNA检测是不是DNA亲子鉴定呢 请问锌合金板另外一种称呼是“电解板”吗? bad,i'm sorry i can't fmd the shop 怎么翻译 锌合金压铸公司起啥名字好? Let me give you a lift.-_______I prefer to walk on such a lovely day.A.Thank you.B.No,thanks.C.You are welcome.D.No,you can't. 甲午中日战争后清政府如何开始重新评价自己的传统文化? it is awful take a walk on such a bad day这个句子是否正确 求一篇雅思范文!many workers cannot feed themselves and their families as they are used to be题目如下Facing the unemployment, many workers cannot feed themselves and their families as they are used to be. Why does this happen and how should l can hear a plane (filght) overhead You can see the plane flying ___the city 英语语言学求助啊.Flying plane can be dangerous 画两个树型图啊. 为什么乌鸦的嘴像写字台 如图,D,E分别是AB,AC的中点,CD⊥AB于D,BE⊥AC于E,求证AC=AB the( ) he works ,the ( ) he will bethe( ) he works ,the ( ) he will beA.hard happy B.harer happier C.harder happy D.hard happier请各位帮我解答解答! the works will finsh the buiding in 2 days变被动语态 如何为Gibson ES 如图,D,E分别是AB,AC的中点,CD垂直AB于D,BE垂直AC于E,求证AC=AB City profile’s research什么意思 Mestrelab Research S.L是什么 bü有汉字吗?怎么打出来我在找一个字,是个拟声词吧.(bǜ) bù ɡǔ 拼成汉语是什么词? 团队的形成期,成长期,成熟期,衰退期都分别有什么特点?