
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:57:08
农夫和蛇故事? Imagine and describe the new students in your class写一篇英语作文含有name,age,country ,language,likes and dislikes lmagine and describe the new students in your 怎么样看懂英语的音标大神们帮帮忙 一直对英语音标这块不太理解,什么事元音什么是辅音,什么时候要吞音,什么时候要连读,还有什么好些音标在不必读出来,还有开音节、闭音节、重读与非重读音节的问题, 帮我把one time分成两个人唱的词我想两个人一唱one time (justin bieber)所以帮我分开 列举清楚谁唱什么的先后顺序 用另一个词代替在下面这个句子中at one timeit will cost thelearner more effort and slim the chance to remember if he or she try to do a lot of homework at one time! 将这句子改为被动语态we read car toons often who is the third___student in your class?A.tallB.tallerC.very tallD.tallest但是为什么呢?他只是说第三高的 又不是最高级各位顺便回答下这个___of Country-Western singers may be related or old English ballads A.the music B.musi Who's the ___(young) student in your class? who is the m_____ h____ student in your class.li ping is 求一本英文原著 sons and lovers在线阅读的可以,电子图书也行哈 ·····拜托老 求sons and lovers的英文简介 《The dog and his bone》 英语故事 The Farmer,His Horse,and His son英语短文阅读答案,请看补充,哪个字看不懂可以问我。 六年级英语作文用五句话以上复述故事“The farmer and the hare” 如何提高英语雅思口语,听说易格雅思的外教在口语和写作方面很有经验,我正好想提高这方面,有了解的吗_ 读万卷书不如行万里路(要举例子)要写出读万卷书的缺点,写出行万里路的优点,要举例子! 关于“读万卷书,行万里路”的例子,不要太多了,五、六十字就行了,有用我会加分的,今天就要! it's really hot today. what drinks do we have in the fridge ? we have some____.a.noodle Bcheese C.sausages D.lemonade 特洛伊战争中战死的英雄都有谁?双方都算,最好有中英文的名字,是战死的啊! Many old house are being pulled down to make ___for the apartment buildings选择A.room B.space C.ground D.area哪一个,为什么,麻烦分析一下. In the beach house,there was a small room()A.being served as a kitchen B.served as a kitchen C.serving as a kitchen D.in which served as a kitchen 为什么不能选D呢? The house 什么 is being built is near the factory.是用Which还是that 辩论会:行万里路重要,还是读万卷书重要?我方是读万卷书重要 l have little to do in cold weather The weather gets(few,a few,little,a little) cold.括号里选哪个? 请问在特洛伊战争中,是哪方运用特洛伊木马打败了哪方 一部电影,背景是特洛伊战争,里面有木马计,一行人途中遇到了独眼巨人,还有能把人变成猪的女巫 2011湖北省七年级人教版英语暑假作业 406678011@qq。com 在特洛伊使用木马计的人是谁 本人英语想提高,想在3到4个月考一个雅思,5.5以上.请大家给个计划安排.详细情况如下:我英语四级435,考的时候不会读,一句也说不出,有很多词不认识,基本蒙的.后来大学四年学德语,根本没碰