
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:57:44
我有很多标点符号不会打啊,谁教教我最好把所有符号输入法都写上 a drink with jam and thread 怎么连读?帮忙用音标写下.其中的with中的w和jam中j是半元音吗?我听录音,其中的with音调好象没怎么听到,好象直接过渡过去了.困惑... It's huge and filled with sunshine .怎么连读?请仔细用音标出来.It has a great balcony .has a great 可以连读吗?It's new and well equipped .It's new and 怎么读?感觉英语连读好难啊,对连读一点不懂,可以多列 是celebrate with drink 还是celebration with drink? What happens in this month? 帮我推荐一本德汉词典和汉德词典 (最好词汇量大,而且搭配、例句丰富的) 哪种英语字典比较好 实用 要有双解 而且例句较多 还有该单词的用法 音标 词汇量也比较大请具体到字典的名字 词典中“简单”有哪几种解释?要带例句的.(至少两种解释,两个例句) what's up和what's on的区别?what's up和what's on的区别是什么? What's the number of the visitors here today?It's _____ ten thousand.A.bigger than B.above C.past D,more than both of mike and mark.这种表达有错误吗? 英文, 把After she prayed for help变成分词的形式,并且不改变原意,谢谢大家After she prayed for help, Saint Wilgefortis grew a beard and moustache Open up your open up your dream是什么意思?这是张靓颖新歌的名字谁有这首歌的歌词翻译? kinds of food为何food不加s?种类的时候,food不是可数的`?类似如fruit也是可数?还是不可数 If happiness can be so easy,how can a thing called the tears many thousands of pepole were killed by the 8.0-magnitude earthquake in Wenchuan on 12th May 2008 The 2008 wenchuan earthquake,( )8.0( ) the Richer scale occurred at 14:28 on May 12th,2008 in Sichuan province in China A measuring,on B measured ,on C which measured ,of D which was measured ,of I do apologize for knocking you down.并分析下.A.No,I’m perfectly all right.B.You’re all right.C.Don’t worry about it.D.Not at all.Thank you Imagine that you are in london是 祈使句 the first floor是什么意思及用法 请问But he will not let me walk all over 英语翻译 word is unable to proceed.more than one file necessary to TC/SC translation is missing在使用英文版office 2007进行简繁转换时出现的报错, don't give your child more money...is necessary .为什么用than?which我什么不可以? the move came just weeks after……这句话怎么分析?这句话翻译过来是`就在几周前’,但我一直搞不懂他怎么就能翻译成这个意思,搞不懂这个句子怎么分析的, Not I let him go to hell This is not true.It stores food in its hump.The camel is body changes the food into fat.Then the fat is stored in the hump.A camel cannot store the fat all over its body.Fat all over an animal is body leeps the animal warm.Camels live in the desert.T example is more powerful than precept 有谁知道? The canel's body changes the food into fat.这句英语的翻译 The Body Shop和Skin food这两个哪个适合19岁女生用?干性皮肤的,用它们的什么好些?它们两家的东西口碑都还不错,但真的不知道用哪个好. im looking for some info about chernobylwho can give me some?