
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 08:25:25
紧急英语问题,速度求解啊!拜托了Much as Americans admire George Washington, the greatest of all American heroes is certainly Abraham Lincoln. Why? Basic to the American philosophy is the idea that an individual with ability, perseverance 1、these people come --------English.2、the sun makes flowers--------.3.it is cool and dry .farmers cut the rice in this season.it is---------.4.if you see a fire .you can call ----------number 119.填入所缺单词 十万火急This is a talk by a London taxi(出租车)driver."I've been a taxi driver for nearly ten years.Most London taxi drivers have their own taxis.""It's a nice job most of time.You meet a lot of people.I always work at night,because there is t 适当形式填空:( )bedroom is nice and ciean.所给单词:Lily and Lucy 噜啊噜是什么意思 英翻定语从句(绝对不要英译软件)没多少,很简单1.他不再是以前那样的人了2.他住在窗户面朝南的那个房间里3.刚刚离开的那列火车是开往上海的4.他正是我要与之谈话的那个人5.任何同意 英语翻译In the past,China is more traditional,and when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their people know and approve of,and often to continue the family occupation.But now,a increa 第四、五题 要详细过程 保证做对 速度 下列物质不会因见光而分解的是:A.NaHCO3,B.HNO3,C.AgI,D.HClO 新概念英语4问题求教lesson27中,有一句“……with the water churned to foam beneath her bow,her flags flying,pennants waving,sails filling in the breeze…”为什么是“churned"而不是“churning",明显不是被动的吧. 下列物质不会因见光而分解的是?A.nahco3 B.hno3 C.AgI D.hclo? scenery in china这样写老外是不是看不懂?语法上是不是有错误(从严格上讲,从不严格上讲)seen in china 语法有错吗?see in china 语法有错吗?主要还是想问一下 scenery in china是否符合老外的语法。可 Have the scenery,are you in the mood! so far in the 不是“看着眼前的景色”和“之前的所有场景里”吧!这是《YOU ARE MY LOVE》的歌词. TEA TIMES怎么样 tea time一般吃什么 瑟和缶哪个声音高 education and market英语作文帮忙啊谢谢 pastime和哪个词比较相近?spare time 还是pleasant time room,he,mess,a,makes,in,his连词组句 go with Mike He was the blak sheep of the family.的中文意思小学英语自主创新上的, ——a game there must be eleven players on a team.A To B For C In D With 佛是什么? to abandon 偶喜欢我们班的一位女生,上一学期,关系还行,这学期、、、-273.5℃,我该怎么办?To continue or abandon the? 函数应用题:已知某企业2011年利润为6000万元,计划在今后10年内每年利润平均增长8%(1)写出企业在今后10年内,利润y(万元)关于年数x的函数关系式(2)该企业4年后的年利润达到多少?(精 has his 已知某企业2011年利润为6000万元,计划在今后10年内每年年利润平均增 长8%.写出企 一般的越南人说英语比较多还是说法语比较多 《洋话连篇》哪个台几点演啊 洋话连篇有没有mp3?除了磁带